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Model Kits: Countdown to Wonderfest T- 10

posted by JamieH 2:27 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

jh-wf-blog1So, we are gearing up for our second trip to Wonderfest May 16-17. This will be our first time to set up at the usual digs of the newly renovated Crown Plaza hotel. We’re excited to see everyone again and show of our current and upcoming releases. I’ll be making daily blog posts to give a  little peek at what we’ll have on display at the show.

First, we’ll have a cool little premium for everyone that stops by and fills out our questionnaire. It will let you give us a little feedback to help in our planning for upcoming releases. It’ll be a simplified form compared to last year and will be well worth your time to both us and yourself. In addition to the premium, by filling out the questionnaire, you’ll be entered into a drawing for some cool model kits.

We’ll be promoting our website by having a computer right there at the show to let everyone take a look around and see everything we have to offer there from release dates to modeling tips.

In addition to that, we’ll have open boxes of all of our kits so you can take a look around and see what changes have been made.

One Response to “Model Kits: Countdown to Wonderfest T- 10”

  1. SmokingRobot says:

    Very Important Message? How about, ‘The JJPRISE is coming, and by the way here’s some pics of the kit and the box-art’?

    That’s the very important message I want to hear!

    In any event have a great time at Wonderfest and THANK YOU for the daily blog for those of us who can’t make it this year. I look forward to reading them.

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