Model Kits: Countdown to Wonderfest T- 1
Wonderfest – Blastoff!
If you aren’t there already, you’d better leave now… well depending on where you live. By the time this hits the blogosphere we should have our truck packed with all of our buildups from the Enterprise 1701A to the Witch to… hmmm, what else could we be planning?
Yes, we will have a major announcement at the show. It is not something any of us have mentioned to this point but it will trigger some new model kits to be released in 2010. Hmmm… What could it be????????????????????????????????(I hate it when people do this. It’s so obnoxious)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(okay. I’m done)
See you at Wonderfest.
“It is not something any of us have mentioned to this point but it will trigger some new kits to be released in 2010. ”
Hmmm…a new licenced property perhaps? Alien? DC Comics? 2001/2010? The reimagined Battlestar Galactica?
Have fun at Wonderfest all!
License for new JJ kits – the JJPrise and the Kelvin.
That’s what I’m hoping for….
Oh nice… I’ve seen the Dealer Room setup… Very Cool!!!
No, I’m not telling 🙂
Hi all. For those that couldn’t make it to the show, our big announcement was that we have just recently signed an agreement to create kits based on the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie. Yes, the Abramsprise could be warping through your galaxy (or workshop) soon. We’ll have a formal announcement with a little more information soon.
I sincerely hope the rest of the readers/bloggers are as excited about this announcement as I am. Having built almost the entire PL/AMT lineup (currently prepping for the 1701-A 1/350), I can’t wait to see how R2 makes these newer designs come to life for us modelers who can’t be content with the Playmates light-up version. And who knows, JamieH did say kit(S)… maybe a USS Kelvin? Or some shuttles? Who knows, but the news alone is enough to bring a smile to my face. Way to go R2, we really appreciate your commitment. Thanks
Please do the Spock ship.