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Polar Lights Model Kits: U.S.S. Reliant Aztec decals

posted by JamieH 9:17 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hi guys-

I promised this post a while back. I know we are running behind on getting the U.S.S. Reliant decals out to market, but they should be here by the end of August.

The images below show you what to expect so you can plan ahead so you can start building while waiting for the decals. as expected, it s a our usual aztec wrap and we’ve added in several alternative names and registries as well. A preview of the instructions gives you a better idea of how they are broken up and placed on the model. I’ve pumped up the contrast of everything I am previewing here so you can see it at the relatively low resolution that our blog system restricts me to.





37 Responses to “Polar Lights Model Kits: U.S.S. Reliant Aztec decals”

  1. Tomh, Esq says:

    Glad to see that these are coming along!

    One tip, though – The USS Saratoga from (Star Trek IV) should be NCC-1887.

    Hot Wheels made a mistake on their toy.

  2. David Pearson says:

    Are the 1/1000 scale Reliant Aztec decals to be included with the kit, or are they an additional item?

  3. Brad Eastman says:

    Really looking forward to these. I certainly appreciate the hard work that people can put in to painting the Aztek pattern, but I’m happy to give these a shot!

  4. Dave Kane says:

    I love this kit. I’ll be ready for the decals by the end of August. You guys really did a nice job on this.

  5. John says:

    Ask, can you leave extra length on the decals for the saucer rim if they join on the bow like the 1/2500 kit. The decal on the 1/2500 did not fit. If you email me i’ll respond with a few pics.


  6. David Weimer says:

    I like to see decals of for the Galaxy class starship
    name is USS Excelsior they show it on the you tube
    is that impossible to do.

  7. David Weimer says:

    I like to see decals of the Galaxy class starship name
    is USS Excelsior I saw the show its on you tube is that impossible to do?

  8. Michael Grey says:

    Hi There

    Do you know ho long now before these are ready to be released? Looking forward to them they look great.

    • JamieH says:

      It looks like October now. Sorry for the long delay.

      • Michael Grey says:

        That’s ok. Good things do take time. I have the Reliant model, but the decal sheet that came with it had a few printing marks which gathering from others comments on the web was quite common with the first few. Would be great if this was not repeated with this sheet as I’m kind of relying on it 🙂

        • JamieH says:

          We’ll be improving the sheet in the original kit in our next production run and will send them to anyone that sends in what is left of their sheet from the kit. We’ll announce when those are available so please don’t send in your request yet.
          For the most part, the decals included in the kit aren’t directly copied in the aztec set.

          • Michael Grey says:

            That’s ok

            I’ve always planned on doing one of the other Starships from the beginning.
            I must say that the Aztec sheet looks wonderful. I’m currently doing the 1/1000 Enterprise refit and I am really enjoying it.

  9. Nicholas says:

    Hey Jamie,
    How are the kit decals to be improved?

  10. JamieH says:

    Quality for one. I’ve also made adjustments to add a couple things I missed and adjust some sizes like the pennants. I’ll post an image soon.

  11. Dave says:

    Ok, I keep checking back here regarding the decal set and……? Any word on when?

  12. Alan Michael says:

    I have a general question about Aztec decals that I have otherwise been unable to find the answer to on the Internet. In short: what is the longevity of decals once applied, or how long might they last before they start to fade and crumble?

    I am revisiting the kits of my childhood (well the updated versions at least). I am just finishing up the decaling on the cadet series for practice and they are looking pretty good. I am about to begin the reliant 1:1000 scale. I ask the question above because I am trying to do these kits “right” instead of impatiently running through them like I did as a kid. I have the urge to do the aztecing on the larger scale models in paint because I have the impression that it will look better over time and won’t fade like the decals. However I wonder if my fear of fading decals is a myth, and if I apply them correctly and coat them well, they may last as long as the paint.

    Since this trend of full body decaling in addition to the markings is relatively new, I’m wondering if anyone has any insight on how they fare over time and whether they are on par with paint in that regard. Thanks for reading.

    • JamieH says:

      I’m honestly not sure. I’d love to say they will look as great in twenty years as they do today. The thing is, we don’t have any 20 year old examples of today’s decals. Some modelers feel just fine going through the steps of painting on their aztecs and we hold no ill-will towards that either. We supply the aztecs as a way to give a good look without the mess and the skill set that paint requires. I’m sure other folks could give some insight from their experiences.

      • Michael Grey says:

        I’ve found that modern decals are far superior than even 20 years ago. So much has improved from the ink to printing. A good tuff clear coat is important as well to preserve the decal. The decals in some of my 10 year old models still look as new as when I brought them.

  13. Dave Pastern says:

    The reliant etc don’t personally interest me that much. I’m hoping Round2 will release 1:850 scale Enterprise D and E to be honest. The current 1:1400 scales are too small imho. I could live with a 1:350 scale USS Reliant I guess.

    I don’t want much do I?


  14. Bruce Probst says:

    So … mid-December now … any update on expected release date?

  15. John Inmon says:

    Any word on when these will be available? I’ve got a Reliant just begging for Aztec decals.

  16. David B says:

    Any further update on when these might be ready?

  17. Henry Schmitt says:

    Do you plan in the near or late future to reissue the 1/537 Reliant with the aztec decals sheet again? I think you guy did a great job on fixing the kit and the decal sheet was awesome!

  18. Paul Muranyi says:

    HI! I am new to sci fi modeling. I have the old Amt Reliant and I must have these decals!!! There are no others around and I have looked. Is there any way to convince you to produce a small run of this product or do you know of a source for them?(Old stock lying around). The Aztec in this scale simple put does not exist and MANY MANY MANY are looking for this set. Please contact me or post.
    Thank you

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