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March 2025

Star Trek Model Kits: All-New 1:350 K’t’inga Model Kit

posted by JamieH 1:28 PM
Thursday, March 1, 2018

To say the least, we’ve teased this announcement for too long already. So without further ado… THIS!

Yes, Round 2 has been developing a 1:350 scale Klingon K’t’inga as featured in STAR TREK: The Motion Picture! This is one of the kits we have been asked about since Round 2 got into the model kit business 10 years ago. Rumor and/or speculation has been that development of this kit started back at Playing Mantis before Polar Lights was obtained by RC2, but I’ve found little to no record of that in the development notes I’ve encountered in my role as the chief sci-fi kit product developer here at Round 2. We have been working with Charles Adams for well over a year now on this project. He has supplied the CAD model for the basis of the ship. Steve Neisen is also consulting on the add-on model kit bits that were used on the original filming miniature. Jim Small is also involved in the development and will be building our publicity model. I have been discussing with Charles the possibility of writing some guest blog entries about the ship to share some of his years-long research into the model.

The photos show the mockup (prototype) of the kit and it needs a little bit of explaining. The factory has been working over Charles’ CAD work and adding details that he would have supplied as model kit parts on his own studio scale model. We sent kit parts to the factory to scan. In some instances they used scans and in some cases, they tried to rebuild them from measurements. In some cases you can’t tell the difference. In some cases you can. Our partner factory in China recently took their annual holiday for Chinese New Year and did their best to get the mockup to us before leaving for their break. They were up against the ship date with some details needing adjustment and with minimal engineering to fit the parts properly together. No locator pins, etc. This was a freshly printed rapid prototype and they had no time to test fit or make adjustments, so I’ve been doing my best to cobble it together.  have no fear of gaps and obvious glue bombs. All will be revised well before production.

Let’s see what else… answers before there are questions…

  • The target retail price will be around $100.
  • Yes, we will be putting out a light kit. We’ll show some candid pics of that in a post later on.
  • Yes, we plan to do a ST:VI Kronos One version later down the road as long as sales on this first release supports that notion.
  • The kit is currently scheduled for September release. Yes, that soon. If we can stick to the schedule, that would mean we’ll have a test shot built to display at Wonderfest in June.
  • Distributors can look for this product to appear on our next price sheet which will go out within the next week. (By 3/9)

For now, enjoy a look at the mockup. We’ll put higher res pics on our Facebook page. Feel free to ask questions here and I’ll come back and answer a slew of them all at once in a future post.



95 Responses to “Star Trek Model Kits: All-New 1:350 K’t’inga Model Kit”

  1. Edge10 says:

    Looks beautiful! Ship it!

  2. Byron says:


  3. James Grant says:

    Sweet Jesus!

  4. George Belknap says:


  5. Nick says:

    Ooooooh!!!!! Want!!!!

  6. MattA says:

    Awesome! The detail looks excellent. I can’t wait to get my hands on this thing!

  7. Hunk of Junk says:

    THANK YOU! Great subject, great price, great looking kit! This is how it’s done. Really good job, guys! So what are the rough dimensions so we can make room on our shelves?

  8. Kurt B says:

    Wow. Even with the seams, that looks pretty amazing. Is there extra consideration being given to the strength of the neck or do you not anticipate any issues?

  9. Darren Oedewaldt says:

    Need pre-order info please!

  10. Josh P says:

    That is stunning, even looking at the 3D print. Looks like I know what I’ll get for Christmas this year! Thank you Jamie and Round 2!

  11. Timothy Kane says:

    Looks awesome, can’t wait!

  12. Darren Oedewaldt says:

    Need pre-order info, please!

  13. David E. says:

    Not what I was hoping for, but I’ll get one.
    It looks very nice. Well done Round2.

  14. dan says:

    excellent that is great will look great with the 1/350 refit thank you even bad guys need love

  15. Mark Belsom says:

    You’ve done it again,another fantastic star Trek kit,you never cease to amaze me. The detail looks brilliant.

  16. Well sign me up and take my money. It’s about time.

  17. I’ll be in my bunk…

  18. Eric Longstreet says:

    Oh HELL YAH!

  19. Don says:

    Thank you. This has been my dream model for decades. I was hoping this si what you were hinting at. I cant even tell you how happy this makes me.

  20. voyagerseven says:

    Love it. And the price sounds good!!!! Got to have it!!!!

  21. Andrew Lehtola says:

    I WILL be getting this one along with the lighting!! Please do not cancel this one!

  22. Jedi Dade says:

    awesome – when can I preorder 😀

  23. spock62 says:

    Looks great! Now how about a 1/1000 version for those of us that are display space challenged?

  24. Trekman says:

    THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!! Que the motion picture theme and the Klingon theme! Most Excellent!

  25. Griffworks says:

    You guys are DaBomb!

    Let the complaints about the lack of windows around to center of the command bulb begin!!! Bwahaha!

    • JamieH says:

      They are there. I’m sure I’ll explain what we are doing along the way.

      • Mario says:

        It looks like the white plastic represents clear parts, so I’m guess it make lighting work it’s all clear and we mask the windows and then paint it. Maybe decals provided for those who aren’t lighting?

    • david dooley says:

      The white strips around the command bulb is where the lights will go is my thinking on it.

  26. Alan Kelly says:

    Thank you for finally making the K’tinga . This has been my grail kit for years .I am positive this will be a great seller .
    Please make sure you get the wing and engine dihydral correct .

    This is a good day to buy a model .

    • I think you will find this is the most accurate model kit of this subject that has ever been attempted! The shapes, proportions, and angles are all dead on compared to the original. I even have a photogrammetry analysis to prove it. 🙂

  27. J.o says:

    O.M.G!!!! I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. I can’t believe it ,,, a 1/350th KTinga.

    That looks just awesome. Thank you Round2. Thank you!

  28. John Nelson says:


    Today, IS a good day to die (or in our case build a model!)

  29. Todd Morton says:

    Wow! This is an excellent idea to go with the 1:350 Enterprise. You really are trying to spoil us Jamie, nicely done. I’ll be getting a few of these myself.

  30. Aztek Dummy says:

    would you say that the plating on the hull is symmetrical right to left?

    • Top no, bottom, yes. It matches the studio miniature very precisely! So much so that you may be surprised. . .

      • Aztek Dummy says:

        Any way I could get a peek at any orthos that might assist me in making paint masks for all of those wonderful plates? (he begged humbly…)

  31. Carlos says:

    Great news! I was hoping for the reliant but this is just as good. Looking to purchase a couple.

  32. John Payne says:

    Question: I remember when Tom Sasser was working on the plans for this before the sale to RC. Was any of his work used in the production of this kit? I’m just thinking it would be very cool if it was.

    • JamieH says:

      No. I’ve found nothing regarding that other than maybe a mention on a list of potential kit possibilities that was drawn up way back when. I can’t recall if I actually saw it on there or not. Truth is that Charles found new ways of checking his CAD data after I first got in touch with him and he essentially redrew the entire ship along the way.

  33. Kelly Bernard says:

    LookING very good. The “bulb of the forward command section is the elliptical shape (instead of sherical). As with many here, this has made the wish list for the collection. Lighting kit: excellent. Will be keeping an eye open for the photo etch to supplement.

  34. Darren Ashmore says:

    And not before time.
    Nice one!

  35. John Z says:

    How different is the TUC version? I think the only structural change was the inboard nacelle grilles. Beyond that, it was a bunch of photo-etch and a new paint job.

    • JamieH says:

      Both the inboard and outboard detail on the nacelles, the lower vents, back end and a few lost details on the bottom of the hull are the most significant differences. Otherwise, it is a matter of details being added for the most part. It will be good to do review of the differences later on at some point.

  36. Juan De La Hoz says:

    Heck yeah!!! It was either this or the Reliant. I got my wish. I can see two coming my way.

  37. Paul Simon says:

    Looking good! I’ll take 3!

  38. Good Lord! Very unexpected and she is BEAUTIFUL!!! Planning on getting at least 4. 2 TMP and 2 ST6! Wow!

    Thank you,

  39. Manuel Stocks says:

    A “DDREAM COME TRUE” situation! Fantastic job! Thanks!

  40. Barnstormer says:

    I’ll buy the heck out of that.

  41. Terry L. says:

    Can’t wait. Working on 537 scale right now. Looks like much more detailing in this model release. THANK U !!!!!

  42. Joshua says:

    I hope Round 2 provides a comprehensive paint guide for the K’tinga. It’s been established to be greens and greys/purplish but it would be immensely satisfying to know what shades of green etc. The Kronos One variation in paint scheme has a lot more readily available reference material than the K’tinga scheme from The Motion Picture.

    • That’s true. I never saw verifiable color-accurate photos from 1979 until recently. Most of the pics that are out there have shifted in hue. (For example, there is no purple color on the model!) Believe it or not, the pics on the original 1979 kit box art are pretty good!

      • Joshua says:

        Yeah the purple appearance on the studio model probably is a result of grey light shifting. To my understanding, and research of the available photos of the K’tinga, the main hull is a medium military greenish hue, over an overall grey primer. The front and rear areas of the secondary hull are grey/metallic, and the “paneling” on the secondary hull wings is greens, various shades of grey. The reddish hue on the top front of the secondary hull, and the Aztec areas around the bridge is a rust “wash”.

      • Joshua says:

        Isn’t the K’tinga a lot darker green than most people consider? Far darker of a green than the Bird of Prey?

        My speculation from the available photos of the K’tinga, with some color correcting is
        1. Grey primer coat on entire hull
        2. medium- military green over most of the hull with the grey primer coat showing through sporadically, a kind of misted on green. Sort of how ILM painted most of the Star Wars models, in layers.
        3. On the secondary hull top and bottom, the paneling various shades of the green and greys.
        4. front and rear of the secondary hull strongback, greys.
        5. red rust wash over aztek paneling around bridge, and top front of secondary hull fore of the shuttlebay.

        Will the lighting kit include the distinctive slow “charging up” of the torpedo effect, and pulsating impulse engines?

  43. Brian Drumm says:

    I currently have the 1:535 version about 2/3 finished with a lot of detail corrections. This almost makes me want to shelve it and wait. But I think I’ll press on…

    This looks excellent. I can see R2-D2’s foot and many recognizable parts from Hasegawa rail gun, etc. Also see some details not shown in reference photos collected over the years. I’ve long presumed the photos I’ve been looking at were taken post-filming and show some “storage damage” or missing parts.

    I’m perfectly happy being wrong on my predictions. 🙂

    • Nailing down exactly what was on the model when it was filmed was not easy. Parts fell off even during filming. Some were left off while others were glued back but in a different location. Thus, you may see a few details change from one scene to the next! There is more to this story and perhaps it will be discussed in a future blog post. . .

  44. Tchail says:

    I am super impressed with the detail on this kit!

    Keep up the great work!

  45. ImWolf says:

    Oh Yes! D7 would have been nice too… Not sure which version is actually more popular now. How about a combo (builders choice) kit? :b

    • James Grant says:

      To turn this into a D-7, wouldn’t just have to remove the raised textures from the hull plates?

      • JamieH says:

        The overall silhouette of the ships was very similar, but The K’t’inga was not precisely patterned after the D-7. So, they may look similar, but to say the K’t’inga is the same ship as the D7 with added details would be incorrect.

  46. Paul Westenskow says:

    I am not complaining about 1:350 K’t’inga Model being made, not at all! Ok, know its time to put your R&D department full bore into getting a 1/350 Reliant model to be made that need to be your guys next kit! It time guys!!!!

  47. Kyle Clark says:


  48. Paul w says:

    Ok guys this great, I look forward to get this kit in the future! But now it time for you guys at PL to do 1/350 USS Reliant! I know that there are two smaller kit out there but I would like a very detailed of Khans captured ship! Thanks and for the new model

  49. derek wimberly says:

    What will the MSRP be?

  50. Space Tiger Hobbes says:

    That’s it. I’m officially petitioning the court to change your name to Grail Models Inc. Can’t wait. Thanks for doing this at last.

  51. ModelManTom says:

    Sincerest congratulations on this coup, Round 2! If the details were even half what they are, it would be incredible. This just blows the lid off all previous efforts and sets yourselves a new bar to smash in future days! Wonderful. (-and it sets 350-Reliant one step closer to reality! 😉

  52. Bridger says:

    I am so going to buy this (several times)

  53. Bridger says:

    Do you think that if the K’t’inga sells well this might bring the 1:1000 Akira Class back into talks since she would be smaler in that scale than the K’t’inga is in 1:350?

  54. cr says:

    About time !!!!!!!!

  55. Don says:

    Fingers crossed for the Qonos 1 to have a photoetch set available. Its pretty much mandatory. The K’Tinga/Qonos is hands down my favorite Trek subject. Shame those doofs on Discovery felt the need to disregard such an Iconic design

  56. HK_sends says:

    YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!!
    …okay, I might be a “little” excited. I’ll need three for a proper “Wolf Pack”.

    -HK sends

  57. AndrewScott says:

    Outstanding, exemplary work………….Now the wait!!

  58. MONTY CRAWFORD says:

    Heavens to murgatroids, I just gooed all over myself. This is going to be one of your best sellers. I’m probably going to buy more than one.

  59. Ethan mounts says:

    When is the actual release date for this model ?

  60. Carl Humphreys says:

    This model looks so cool, I’m going to put my half finished 21″ scratch build Invaders model on hold. A scratch built 1/350 K’t’inga model twice as big would be the BOMB!!! I’m ready for you to ship them out. What about a 1/350 Defiant from the Tholian Web or Star Base 79 model?

  61. Don says:

    need more updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  62. Dale M says:

    Some of the original parts look a little like tank tread links. Regardless can’t wait to get my hands on this kit!

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