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Round 2 Model kits: It’s a brand new year

posted by JamieH 5:55 PM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So it’s the middle of January already. Needless to say I’m embarrassed that I haven’t been able to keep up with blog posts like I would have liked. As usual we are buried with responsibilities split between our model kit lines and our Forever Fun holiday line. Every time we see a light at the end of the tunnel, it caves in again. Maybe one of these days we’ll get to take a breath.

We ended up with 13 sci-fi (genre) releases in ’09. We’ve currently got 36 on our plan for 2010 including new subjects from the latest Star trek movie and a 1/25 scale Batmobile among other possibilities. We’ll be bringing back spiffed up fan favorite ships from Star Trek and a couple that haven’t been seen in decades including the K-7 Space station (another long lost kit is scheduled for later in the year…). We’ve got plans to bring back other long lost non-licensed model kits including the Pilgrim Observer and haunted Glo-heads. We’ll be gearing up for Wonderfest soon where we’ll make some schedule announcements for the second half of 2010.

I’m looking forward to another great year. Here’s to 2010…

10 Responses to “Round 2 Model kits: It’s a brand new year”

  1. jockdeboer says:

    Man, I want the entire catalog! Need more work to afford it all. Keep them coming. Just picked up the Vulcan Shuttle from the LHS last week. Very nice.

  2. Mach7 says:

    Whoo hoo! The K-7!

    Love it. You say some kits that have not been out in years, Romulan? Exploration set?

    It doesn’t matter, it’s all good!


    Working on my UFO mystery ship.

  3. crowe-t says:

    “We’ve currently got 36 on our plan for 2010 including new subjects from the latest Star trek movie”

    Could this mean a kit of the Kelvin is in the works???

  4. Fraley1701 says:

    How about the TOS Enterprise Command Bridge! Re-tooled for accuracy.

  5. spencer1984 says:

    Will any of those “new subjects from the latest Star trek movie” include a 1/25 drop-top ’65 Corvette? It’s about time someone released the forgotten C2!

    The biggest one I’m looking forward to is the Batmobile, I may have to pick up a few of those…

  6. ModelMan says:

    Perhaps the sci-fi surprises will be Black Hole related? VINCent would be a nice one to see after all these decades.

    They’ve said the RomBoP is missing parts, but that could be a fake out. Their survey from WF last year pointed to low interest in the Exp. Kit and with the Art Asylum stuff out there, why bother at all… The D-7 isn’t uncommon on ebay, but maybe that’s gonna sneak in again. Personally, I’d hate see Galileo come back without major retooling on the aft, but perhaps that could be it. A more accurate bridge would be cool, but a TMP bridge would be far cooler. Perhaps none of our guesses are correct and they (you R2 folks) are going to hit us from left field with a major knock-our-socks-off surprise…

    PS. When you guys released the green tin 1701, I was disappointed that it seemed like you were cashing in on the blue tin bonanza. However upon reflection, perhaps releasing a tin1701 every xmas with something different about is not a bad idea. Switching up to the 70’s box art could be cool for the next release, but slowly adding/replacing current parts more accurate parts could lead to whole new tooling in several years time at a low annual investment that might be too expensive to do in one shot. Just a thought there…

    Thanks for all your efforts! Much success to the rebirth of sci-fi models!!!

    PS. Still dreaming of a 1/350 line of Reliant, Excelsior, KTinga and maybe Grissom… How about a 350 space dock? 😀 Or even better, a 1/350 tmp drydock… ??? Now there’s a relatively ‘cheap’ tooling job insofar as it’s piles of very few repeated patterns…

  7. jamesironwolf says:

    Love what you guys have been doing.
    I would like to make a few suggestions,
    how about adding optional parts to the current D7
    to do either tos or K’Tinga version.
    Same idea i think can be done when you get around to doing
    the 1/1000 Enterprise B, Do the Excelsior with added parts to make the B.

    Would like to see some more enemy ships , maybe both 1/1000 Bop.
    Or what about combo kits now that you are doing 1/2500 like a kit of the BoP
    that has both 1/1000 & 1/2500.

    Really you guys are doing a good job. So many kits comping so little money.
    very interested to see what you have planed for the rest of the year.

  8. R23 says:

    Great to see that the K7 is coming back! I just purchased and imported a 1/350 1701-A kit which costed quite a bit to ship but it was worth it! I wish round 2 could get the rights to sell outside North America.

    I really want to get some of your hot rods and the Vulcan Shuttle but its seriously pricey to ship all this stuff. When the new movie Enterprise and hopefully Kelvin (hint hint!) come out it will be a must purchase for me! Please make the 09′ Enterprise in a similar size to the other 1/350 models (eventhough the ILM scale is ridiculous!).

    Keep up the great work guys, I wasnt born the first time some of the these kits were issued and its great to finally get hold of them.

  9. philp says:

    I am excited to see the Batmobile done up right in 1/25th scale. Make sure to include figures of the Dynamic Duo.

  10. razorwyre1 says:

    cant wait for those haunted glo-heads!!!!!!!!!!

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