Model Kit: Tidbits shmidbits Vol.2
Friday, July 3, 2009
And a moment you’ve all been waiting for… a first glance at the 1/1000 Enterprise Refit model kit. Ahem… a little technical difficulty here… damn camera. Well, if I could, I’d show you a nice clear image. But I wouldn’t want anyone to be disappointed. Keep in mind that this is the very first draft. The overall shapes are good but many details need work.
The kit is being mastered from equal parts 1/350 kit and a set of Gary Kerr’s drawings (which are considerably more accurate, btw). We’ll see how much detail can be captured in a version of the ship at this scale. Whatever isn’t formed plastic will be supplied as decal. More images when the model kit gets further along.
Oh that’s right, BLAME the camera ! 😉
Your just teasing us
out here in Cyberland…
Looking sweet, and definitely looking
forward to more images of the beauty!
Nice! I’m VERY much looking forward to this one. I hope you will repost the photos once you’ve taken care of the “technical difficulties”.
Very cool! I’m extremely excited to see this kit coming. I remember when Polar Lights first issued the NCC-1701 in 1/1000, I was really hoping they’d get to all the Enterprises in time. I have the Enterprise-B from AMT in 1/1000, and I also grabbed PL’s NX-01 when it came out. I know this is a long-shot question to ask at this point, but how likely do you figure that all the Enterprises will eventually be released in this scale by Round 2? Thanks so much for the sneak peek, and I’ll keep watching to see your progress!
Just want to say, I thank you for sharing these updates!
Very exciting!
I’m glad to share what we can.
As far as other Enterprise ships at 1/1000 scale. We’d love to and hope to. With the later ships being bigger, they’ll be a bit more expensive to develop so we have to pace ourselves. More (hopefully soon) on that in a upcoming entry.
This will look real nice next to my PL TOS enterprise! I love the big stuff, but this scale fits real nice in a bookshelf.
You naughty person, being such a tease! Of course, there would be some who, full knowing it was the first draft, would critique the heck out of it. Well, I for one say Bravo for listening to us and giving us a 1/1000 scale ship. Now of course, we need 1/1000 for the B through E!
Thanks for sharing these! It’s so cool to get an inside view into how you guys produce these. It seems you are handling the ships as lovingly as I bring the boxes home to build.
That’s gonna be a great kit!
I am looking forward to this one!
If I had a choice, I’d say skip the panel lines unless they’re much sharper than anything you’ve done to date. But then they can always be filled. Looks like it will be a great kit.
Hey, guys. I just received the mockup (sculpt) this morning.Overall it looks great. There are some spots that will need revision but I was aware of that. Hopefully, I can show you some clear shots of it later in the week.