Archive for October 14th, 2016
MPC Models: And now for something completely different…
This blog entry is based on true events. Every last word of it. I can assure you. Really…
[harp strings]
[race car sounds. Yes, we know it is in the silent vacuum of space, but race car sounds are cool.]
Smallnier: Hey, watch where you aim that thing.
Hoodstrom: I think the batteries are worn out.
Smallnier: Just shake it a little.
Smallnier: See. Told ya.
Smallnier: Smile, you’re on Candid Camera.
Hoodstrom: Professor Mortonman, it’s Jamie Hoodstrom. We just passed through the laser barrier and we should be able to take a few manual measurements off the Nuclear Waste covers in a couple of minutes.
Professor Morton: Alright, Hoodstrom. We are watching you closely.
Hoodstrom: Something seems off about these things. Let’s see how big this one is…
Hoodstrom: They seem a lot smaller than they did in that footage of the Eagle crashing into waste area 2 last week. They looked like they should have been 8 feet tall or more.
Smallnier: It might be your imagination.
Hoodstrom: I dunno… They don’t look like the ones closer to the center of the field where the waste gets unloaded off the Eagles…
Smallnier: Probably just a different model.
Hoodstrom: But they were almost the same diameter as the waste cannisters. When we moved the storage caps off those last week, they were bigger…
Smallnier: That’s because they used the 22” miniature for one shot instead of the 44”.
Jamie: What?
Smallnier: Oh, nothing…
Hoodstrom: something also seems different about them compared to the ones I see outside my apartment near the Eagle landing pad.
Smallnier: Now, see. That really was an interesting camera effect. You see, the shot used the 22” Eagle miniature. (You can tell it by the fact that it doesn’t have the elbow linkage behind the landing gear) But yet they made the cones at yet another scale to force the perspective in the background…
Hoodstrom:… Anyway, these control handles look a lot different too.
Smallnier: You are right. They don’t look anything like Plastruct relief valves. Hey, what is wrong with your eye?
Professor Morton: It’s an increase in brain activity. Smallnier, get Hoodstrom out of there. I think he is in trouble.
Hoodstrom: What the heck is Plastruct? What do you mean different models? These cones must have been built in four different sizes. That is just crazy! I’m losing my mind!
Smallnier: Well, it isn’t anything to get too upset about. Hey, watch out for those boxes! In the moon’s lessened gravity they are bound to bounce far up into the air!
Smallnier: Okay, maybe not. Let me help you up.
Hoodstrom: I’m suddenly in the mood to dance!
Smallnier: Okay, why not? Not one else is around…
Hoodstrom: I feel so funky I bet I can jump over the moon buggy!
Smallnier: Showoff! Hey, watch out for the laser fence.
Hoodstrom: Wha!?!
Hoodstrom: AAAHHH!
Stay tuned to this space for some upcoming announcements about MPC’s Space:1999 kits. And this blog was only based on fact so much as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was based on true events. Your mileage may very…