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Round 2 Models: Things They Are A Changin’

posted by JamieH 1:32 PM
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sorry for the delay in posting once again. We are just beyond the peak of a hill of changes going on around here at Round 2. In the last two months, we have moved the entire creative team into one central area, added two new creatives and a creative director, a creative department intern and two staffers for our new marketing department along with a couple more interns to help them out.

So how will this affect us and me and the sci-fi model kit development specifically? I have been able to hand off marketing responsibilities so I don’t have to sink time into advertising and the marketing people can assist in copywriting for packaging. They have also taken over all publicity and handle some of the execution of the 1701 CLUB stuff too. I will continue to write blogs, check in on message boards and supply content for our newsletters and 1701 CLUB updates. In addition to the marketing help, one of the creatives and the intern has been assigned to work on the model kit lines. Between John and myself we’ve got plenty of stuff to keep them busy. This brings our total number of people working full-time on model kits to four (not including the intern). The end result will be better quality, on time product and more product releases. Thanks to the influx of talent, I’m nearly caught up with my workload. I haven’t been able to say that in well over a year. The new workspace seems to be working out great too. I had to sacrifice an office of my own to move into a cubicle but I never needed that much privacy to begin with. We still have some settling in to do and work to do while we do it.

Let’s run down some product updates so this post has a little bit of news.

Barnabas Collins– Tooling adjustments have delayed the release but the changes made ended up being a lot nicer than I had envisioned. Both Barnabas and the werewolf should arrive in August or September but not necessarily at the same time.

Leif Ericson– I need to finish up the packaging and as soon as it is done, it’ll be on its way. All of the tooling adjustments have been made and it looks great.

Batmobile (Glue Kit)– I’m refining the decals a bit today. Otherwise it is done and should arrive on time.

We’ll be adding more kits to our website soon like the Enterprise C and some returning kits like the Strange Changes and Bigfoot (finally).

I should have my first update out to 1701 CLUB members by the end of the month as well. If you haven’t signed up for the Premiere Edition 1:350 TOS Enterprise kit yet, don’t delay. Slots are going fast.

14 Responses to “Round 2 Models: Things They Are A Changin’”

  1. zysurge says:

    Thanks for the update. Glad to see you guys are getting some desperately needed help. Looking forward to that first 1701Club update.

  2. phicks says:

    Are the TOS Klingon Cruiser and the Enterprise-C the only announced re-pops for Star Trek at the moment?

  3. cf101b_voodoo says:

    I noticed an ecto1a on the desk, is this a sign of what’s to come? I dearly hope so. Keep up the excellent work!

  4. JamieH says:

    phicks- Stay tuned for my next blog post.

    cf101_voodoo- Very astute of you to notice. 😉

  5. jaws62666 says:

    are we still on track for a 1701 club update this month. Is the next blog post coming up soon as well. An ecto 1 would be cool. Maybe even some Black Hole repops

  6. JamieH says:

    jaws- working on the first update now. Hopefully by the end of the month. Next blog post will correspond with our next newsletter also out around the turn of the month.

  7. jaws62666 says:

    Jamie, have the t shirts been sent out yet

  8. JamieH says:

    Not yet. Soon. Working on the package/welcome letter, etc. I’m pretty sure they will go out in the next two weeks. Sincerely sorry for the delay.

  9. rocketguy says:

    I saw that Ecto 1 there too and was going to ask about it. It sounds like we will hear about it soon and I would suspect that would be a new release. Cool, I had just started looking for one on evilBay so will hold off for yours. Thanks.

  10. Bats says:

    I’m hoping the Ecto release is an Ecto-1/ Ecto-1A release making it possible to build either or.

  11. BatToys says:

    Jamie, was your office changed to a conference room?

    When Aurora was at their best, they had no offices. Everyone’s desk was in the same room.

  12. jaws62666 says:

    Looking closer at the Ecto 1, it looks like slimer is on the box underneath it. Isnt that the other Ecto car

  13. Bats says:


    I’m hearing (seeing) alot on the other boards like car modeler and Scale auto, that certain parts on the Batmobile snap kit are a fuss. Broken spinners, Bat-beams, phones and steering wheels due to how tight they fit. I have offered the advice of how to gently sand these items mounting pins with an emery board for a smoother fit.

    Other than that the kit seems to be quite well recieved and is quickly becoming a popular favorite. Even if the figures aren’t exactly well liked.;) The general concensus is they are too cartoony. Other than that I can tell you the paint job is a hit as well as the above average parts count for a snapper.

    Excellent job and keep it up. Can’t wait to get hold of a production run glue kit. Gimmie gimmie gimmie.

  14. Mach7 says:

    Any new kits are welcome, but the only one I REALLY want to see is the big TOS Enterprise. Please focus all on that!

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