Round 2 Models: Muscling Through Packaging
A lot of our development team’s time is spent on our product packaging. It is a key marketing and sales tool and in some cases, it makes the kit much more desirable. If you read our blog regularly, you are probably familiar enough with our products to know what to expect from us in this regard. I figured I would show you some of the steps we go through and what we encounter as we work.
For this example, I’ll be using our upcoming release of the Incredible Hulk. In the case of this kit we started with what we had, a tattered copy of the kit released in 1978. The plan was to ditch the old packaging style completely and shift it more towards an Aurora style long box but keep a modern sensibility about it. Comparing the proportion of the art board to the long box style, I found we could center more in on Hulk and let the rest of the scene actually wrap around one side of the box to give the effect of “okay, here is the Hulk. He is mad” then as you turn to the side of the box, you get the reveal of “oh, this is what he is mad about”.
In order to start, the old box featured a giant violator that covered a major part of the background. An image of the buildup cut into Hulk’s knee. All of this is besides the fact that our box is nice and worn with plenty of cracks and stains in the image. The decision was made to break it down to just the line art and recolor it as I had done on the Spider-man and Captain America kits. This would give it the updated look I mentioned. The instruction sheet featured the same line art in pure black and white so I figured this would be a great head start. The problem was that the art on the instructions did not perfectly match the box lid. It wasn’t a complete redrawing but a few embellishments had been made to the artwork. A few lines were thicker here or there.
Once I broke it all down and mixed and matched the parts of the line art I wanted from the two illustrations, I set to filling in the gaps created by the violators. The only clue I had to the contents were an overturned car and smoke coming from it and who knows what else. There were also a few building tops peaking up from the behind the legal line on the instruction sheet. I found the look of the TV news style helicopters to be a little ridiculous and decided to embrace that a little bit. I decided to shift their color scheme to a more military look and drew in one of General Ross’ “Hulk-buster” tank on the ground to give him something to really get angry about. Filling in the rest of the cityscape background was logical to complete the rest of the scene.
So here it is, a sneak peak at the upcoming Incredible Hulk packaging. (All images are currently under licenor review and are subject to change) we will feature a build along article by Mark McGovern covering both the MPC Incredible Hulk and Spider-man kits on our website when we approach the release dates.
Thanks for sharing this interesting tid-bit Jamie! The artwork looks great! I like to collect model kit box art and really appreciate that Round 2 has shared some of it’s box art in the past.
Yes, thank you Jamie. It’s these rare looks into the process that I enjoy. No other company does this for it’s loyal supporters. Kudos!
Hi Jamie,
Was a 1701 club email sent recently since January? Just wanted to make sure I did not miss it.
BatToys- Nothing since December. The next one is written, and I’ve been waiting for a couple items to wrap up to include. It might still be sent out by the end of this week.
Hey Jamie,
I read you need the instructions for the MPC Spider-Man snap kit….I have them and am willing to trade them (I actually posted this in your “be careful what you wish for” posting, but wasn’t sure you caught it or not)….anyway, let me know if you were still looking for these. My email is [email protected]
Hi Koozilla. Actually, someone had already offered. I’m sorry I didn’t mention it here somewhere. Thanks though.
That’s cool!
Well, if that falls through let me know (I’ll straight-up trade ’em so you don’t have to worry about returning them!!!) 😉
I am pleased that MPC kit’s are being continued the Hulk kit
For example was one of my favorites so I am really looking
Forward to it’s release never got a chance to get my hands
On the Spiderman kit so that re-release will be an added
Two fine choices!
I would also like to add Midst the sound and welcomed
Practice of retooling out of production model kits that
There are indeed unsung heroes that are in dire need of
Reserruction one a personal favorite of mine and a
Modelers nightmare is the U.S.S. Cygnus from the
Movie The Black Hole.
My suggestions;
New version would be molded in clear for lighting( almost need to do it for
That ship design). Or even in Glow in the Dark.
Improved intricate frame work offering more details.
Improved mini U.S.S. Palomino and Cygnus Probe ship detail.
Perhaps a improved base and Blach Hole cardboard backdrop. (like was done with the Enterprise Tholian edition).
Would love to see something like that happen!!!
Well that’s my thoughts anyway please continue the fine
Work you are doing Round 2 We are all with ya in spirit
And pockets!