Round 2 Model Kits: And away we go…!
A month has gone by since Wonderfest and this is the first sliver of time that I’ve been able to quickly jot down some vital info to recap. (as usual, things are super busy in my wing of Round 2 Models) I know everyone has been waiting to hear the details of some of our announcements. Right now, I’m going to give a quick rundown. I’ll be able to go into more detail later on as the kits progress. So without further delay away we go…
New kits-
Dirty Donny’s Two Much – As announced in our last enewsletter, we will be producing a kit based on this Kar Kulture artist’s character design. He’s a crazy-kewl creature that will include several decal options to decorate him with.
Forbidden Planet Robby the Robot Movie Poster Edition- This kit will recreate the classic poster. It will consist of several parts from the existing kit, but with new legs, Altaira (as depicted in the poster) and base with cardboard standup.
Forbidden Planet C-57D 1:144 scale- We are happy to offer the classic flying saucer in a size that will fit on your bookshelf. The model is based on all new research and will not be based on our 1:72 scale kit. It will feature parts for a landed or flying pose including opening and closing landing ramps.
Marvel Comics Wolverine- The fan favorite character gets the treatment he deserves in a plastic model kit. He will be offered in his yellow costume as depicted in the early days of the character. He comes with two head options, masked and unmasked.
Star Trek TMP Cadet Series 3 ship set featuring new tools of the U.S.S. Enterprise Refit, U.S.S. Reliant & Klingon K’tinga as 1:2500 scale snap kits. The Refit and Reliant will come with the surface decals just like previous Cadet kits. The hope is to release at least one kit or themed set like this one each year to expand on the Cadet Series.
New licenses-
Elvis- Yes, he seems to have returned to the building. We are exploring an HO scale Graceland and possibly figural kits. We will see what the future holds for the king.
Wizard of Oz- The first kit we will look at doing is the Wicked Witch of the West in 1:8 scale. Depending on the reaction to this kit, we will take a look at doing the rest of the cast of characters from the iconic film.
DC Comics- Our approach to the Wolverine kit should give some indication into how we plan on creating new figural kits of some of the most widely recognized characters in the world. They will be well posed and detailed, but with a hint of nostalgia mixed in. Our initial ideas are for Superman and Batman kits inspired by some classic comic scenes and artists.
Iron Giant- Though this isn’t technically a new license for us, it was the first we had announced the possibility that we could do a kit form the animated film.
What comes next?
Our biggest announcement is that we are reaching out to the modeling community to decide one of our 2013 kit releases. The audience in attendance at our presentation took an active role to determine who the candidates will be. Everyone is eligible to cast their vote. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6HFNN6Zto answer a few questions for us and vote for one of the following kits
1:1000 scale U.S.S. Reliant
1:1000 scale Klingon K’tinga
1:32 scale TOS Galileo shuttle
1:2500 scale U.S.S. Akira
I2” tall Iron Giant
We are putting the finishing touches on our youtube video of our presentation. We have a lot more in the mix this year so please be patient as we get it all tidied up. We hope to have it ready in the next couple weeks. I’ll let you know as soon as it is finished.
Lots of exciting stuff here. Really looking forward to the 1/144 C57D, new Cadet set and the new tools of Superman and Batman, both of which are long overdue. Voted for the 1/32 Galileo, but also want the 1/1000 Reliant & K’tinga! Any chance you guys would consider re-issuing the Disney Pirates/Haunted Mansion kits? Thanks Jamie, to you and the rest of the gang, for making alot of this modeler’s kit dreams come true!
Cool beans! Looking forward to seeing the video!
Love the idea of new DC Comic figure kits! The Wolverine figure kit looks very good as well! Finally a Robby the Robot kit I can get excited about! And the new Cadet series for Trek sounds promising; great idea!
Also voted for the Galileo, but both the Reliant and Klingon 1:1000 are up there, too. Can’t wait to see the DC line, since I’m working on the older kits. Curious to see which artist you choose to pattern these kits after.
Those Forbidden Planet kits are awesome, and love the sculpt on Altaira!!! I also took the survey and voted, but as much as I would love to see a new Trek kit, I had to vote for an Iron Giant! That movie will always have a special place in my heart!
Keep up the great work, you guys are awesome!
Exciting News! I’m for the 1000 scale Reliant as it would look good with my 1000 scale Enterprise. Curious if the 1:32 Galileo is a re-release of the AMT Ertle kit or not. Was that one 1:32 scale?
Last question: Can you tell us if Round 2 is considering re-releasing the 1:537 scale refit Enterprise someday? It’s been on my mind for awhile. It’s extremely hard to find it (the 1979 kit) reasonably priced on eBay that doesn’t have those HORRID (and innacurate) panel details. Not to mention I think the kit needs to be accurized like what you guys did with Reliant, which brought back some cool memories, btw. Just curious thats all. Keep up the awesome work guys!!
The Galileo kit in the poll would be an all new tool. The old one is about 1:35 scale and it has so many problems, we wouldn’t know where to begin or end.
If the 1:537 Refit ever gets re-released, it will probably have the ugly panel details. We looked into correcting the tool before we brought out the 1:1000 scale Refit. We found that in order to fix the tool, we would essentially be retooling about 70% of the kit. We decided to go all in on the 1:1000 scale and not invest in the old tool.
Jamie – I can’t tell you how awesome it is to see so many cool NEW kits in Round 2’s pipeline!!! I’m particularly blown away by Wolverine. Outstanding! AND you have both the Marvel and DC Comics licenses? Fantastic! Bring ’em on!!! The new/updated Robby looks great, and I can’t wait to see the Wicked Witch.
Oh, and I have to confess that I really dig the Cadet Series kits. They make for fun little weekend projects. Out of curiosity, what’s behind the decision to retool the Refit for this new set? I would think you would throw in a new ship from that era, like the Excelsior or the Grissom. I’m sure the new Refit will be a great improvement over the original, but I’m still curious about that decision.
Hi Jamie, I’m sure you can guess where this post is heading. Given the new licensing agreement with WB/DC concerning the 1966 Batman, is there any possibility that there will be some Adam West or more 1966 based kits?
No immediate plans for Adam West, but since his likeness is now available we will likely take advantage of that if we can at some point.
How about a batcopter
Hopefully at some point.
Jamie – Thanks for answering my questions in regards to the 1:537 Enterprise. Model putty is good for filling in those panels, it just creates a lot of dust and mess sometimes. I hope that some day you guys might reconsider a retool. But for now the 1:350 Refit and TOS Enterprises will keep me busy for quite some time! **THANK YOU** for not putting those stupid panel details on the 350 scale Refit kit!!
Great work over there guys. I would like both K’tinga and reliant , but i think i would buy more reliants than K’tingas. I too have to wonder why make another 2500 enterprise refit, when its already in the cadet series. i would have thought the excelsior would have been a better choice. Would like to see some next generation in 1000 too, maybe voyager?
I can’t get too far into our reasoning for the new Refit tool other than to say an opportunity to develop it from scratch presented itself, so we went for it. It wasn’t an either this or something else proposition. We’ll be exploring more product along the lines of your suggestions further down the road.
Jamie, any news on the next 1701 Club Update?
Hi Opus- Thanks for asking. Unfortunately I’m at a point right now where I can only concentrate on finalizing packaging and instructions for the kit(s). On top of that, we don’t have a web guy yet that can assemble it for me even if I had a minute to put everything together. I’ve got plenty to report on, so it isn’t for lack of something to say. On top of that and that, I’ve got a bundle of joy hopefully arriving nay minute that will pull me away for a week or so. So, the best I can say is that I hope to be able to send out an update by the end of the month, but I can’t promise.
Congrats on the bundle of joy!
Also wanted to touch on the decision to do a new tool for the 1/2500 refit. Good decision in my book! I figured it was better for you guys to do a newly tooled refit to go along with the Reliant to alleviate any “scaling” issues. I know the tooling for the original 1/2500 refit was based off of the original 1/537 kit. Looking forward to the new set, and especially that 1/2500 K’tinga!
Again, congrats! And looking forward to some great updates!
Jamie, congratulations on the soon to be newest addition to your family. All the best!
Thanks, Spock62. Pretty exciting stuff. I’m looking forward to it.
Jamie, great to hear and congrats on the new baby!!
I would like you to do the Shuttlecraft please, out the choices for Star Trek. I think there are a lot of opportunities with such a kit for scratch built dioramas (a hanger bay, or maybe on one of the various planets).
If it has an interior, I think that allows even more possibilities on detailing, whether by builders or aftermarket companies.
Thanks! All the best, bruce.
I voted Reliant, but I’d be happy with the 1/1000 K’Tinga, or the Galileo. And, like others, I’d love to see TNG ships in 1/1000 to go with what we already have.
Jamie, any news on the results of the poll? Would you be able to announce what new kit won?
We will keep the polling open until the end of July. Anyone that hasn’t voted yet, should do so soon! We know what the leader is, but I don’t want to sway the voting.
Jamie, are you a father yet? If son congrats. i just became a grandfather 2 weeks ago. Are we any closer to another 1701 club update.hopefully we are still on track to get our kits in september as club members. I just preordered the lights and accessories kit from culttvman. I assume this means that those kits are ready as well.
I am happy to announce that yes, I am a daddy. My daughter, Harper, was born last Monday. 7lb 12 oz 20″
Congrats to you, sir!
It still looks like I’m a bit away form being able to concentrate on the next update. I have stuff to share, just no time to organize it. I hope to get it out in the next 2-3 weeks. (man that’s a long time between updates… Sorry.) We are keeping a watch on the development to hit September delivery of the Premiere Edition.
Congratulations on you new addition to your family Jamie! Enjoy your bundle of joy!!!
Jamie, congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
WoW! Jamie that is awesome news! Congratulations on your new baby girl! Now…go get some sleep….HA, hahahahahahaa
Jamie, congrats again. question, is the light kit and motors going to be total plug and play for us novice builders? will there be a stand to accept the wires and switches ? I just got the Sci Fi and Fantasy Modeller #26. Amazing articles on the Big E
Hi Jaws- The light kit will require a few easy mods to the model kit to let the wiring pass through the base. There won’t be an on/off switch, but installing one of your own should be pretty simple or you can just unplug the model. I am no electrician myself. I have never picked up a soldering iron. I can follow directions though. I’ve been developing the lights so that a layman like myself would have no problem with it. I’ll have to let you guys decide if we accomplished that goal.
Jamie, just wanted to add my congratulations on the new daughter. Enjoy the next years, as they go by faster than you can imagine!
Hey Jamie, what happened to the Exploration Set. Next to the Big E , ive been waiting for that eagerly as well. Also will the lightkit/weathering/photo etch on Cults site be available when the premeir kits ship, Will you have pre order as I already pre upped at his site
Unfortunately the Exploration Set tooling missed the boat to China last time. So I am not sure when we will get it out at this point. Since our website requires a release date, the product page has been taken down until we get it back on the schedule. The accessory set is due to release at the same time as the standard Enterprise kit.
Will those of us from the 1701 Club have earlier access to the lighting kit and photo etch, since we will get access to the model in September, or will we need to wait until the standard kit is out?
I’m afraid you will need to wait…
Congrats on becoming a dad!
I’m sorry to hear about the Exploration set, It’s a really crappy set of prop’s but I’m really looking forward to it! Do you think it will make it out in 2013?
Now that July has come to a close, do you know when the final tally of the poll will be announced? Also, just because one wins, will the others have a chance to be produced as well this coming year?
It looks like we will be running the poll through the weekend.
Btw, things are starting to clear up a bit for me. I should be able to write up the next 1701 Club report and a few blog posts next week. Stay tuned!
Hi Jamie,
Congrats on being a new Dad.
Will the 350 Enterprise light kit be in an official box or a plain plastic bag?
Thanks, BatToys. The light kit will come in a box.
Hey Jamie,
I know this is off topic, but Does MPC own the Space 1999 molds?
With all the re-release of the kits from my past it would be great to see the Eagle and the Hawk kits again.
Mach7- As we say, anything is a possibility…
I notice you did not say no!
This could get interesting.
Jamie, what ship won the contest . Hopefully the Galileo. Close to 1701 Club update. Cant wait for the Big E next month
Rather than announce the winner here, we’ll be announcing it in our WF Youtube video. It has taken us longer than we had hoped to finish it, but I think you will find that the extra bells and whistles will be worth the wait.
Is the video on your facebook page now?
Not yet. It is nearly done. We are hoping to get it wrapped up over the weekend.
I guess I’ll never get a Voyager model from you guys ……
There were a few great ships on Voyager (Voyager [Intrepid], Nova, Delta Flyer to name a few), but it looks like you are just going to ignore these ships ……
I think you are making a mistake by not making some of these ships……
wow… patience, grasshopper…
Jamie, is the 1:350 E on track for its release date? If so, any news when next month club members should expect to be contacted for payment?
Hi Opus- I’ve started writing the next club update and your questions will be answered there.
ok in a word the only Trek kit at this moment in need of a
really decent make over and release is this baby right here;
As far the future of Trek well I really think that it’s
very smart and kind that Round 2 dose marketing polls
and blogs like this to see what is on folks minds regarding
Trek future projects. It really matters to us guys.
looking forward to the release of the 1/350 1701!!!
Thank You.
When might we see the update? Also the poll results
Soon. If I could be more specific, I would. (both are being worked on right now)
Now that the 1966 Batman license is available, any plans to reissue the 1/25 glue Batmobile with Adam West Burt Ward figures? Or make the figures sold seperately?
Is a 1/25 RTR Batmobile slot car in the works I hope? You can use the snap body with more redder stripes as a variant. Add a light up siren like the Aurora K&B. Love to see sixties orange and black cardboard graphics on the box.
Rumor is Captain Action will get an Adam West Batman costume. Any plans for a no frills basic 1/6 Batmobile? By basic I mean like the Silver Streak. A lower cost 1/6 will appeal to those who think Hot Toys 1/6 is too expensive.
We are investigating possibilities for model kits. I’m not sure about a 1:25 slot car. No truth to the rumor of applying ’66 Batman characters to Captain Action. Development costs of a 1/6 scale car would be astronomical I’m afraid. (it would be cool though) Besides we don’t have the license to do toys.
Hey Jamie H and gang I would really love to see the 60’s
Batman series continue with the additions of the T.V. Batcopter
and perhaps some iconic villian fugure kits such as;
*The Pengiun-Burgess meredith
*The Riddler-frank Gorshin
*Catwoman-julie Newmar
*Perhaps a 60’s TV show Batcave diorama kit in scale with Round 2
great Batmobile
And of course;
Adam West Batman
Bert Ward Robin
With the upcoming release of two Forbidden planet model kits
in 2013 and Moebius Models release of a Lost In Space Robot
in 1:6 Scale I think that it would be really a neat idea for
Round 2 to produce a Robby the Robot from FP in the same scale
as the Moebius LIS Robot! What do ya think Jamie, could that be
a possibility in the near future?