Model Kits: Wonderfest recap
I used to absolutely dread going to Louisville. I’ve been dragged to a rather reprehensible show down there for 13 years. Spending late nights out and early mornings preparing to walk the show for four days straight. Oh, the monotony, the torture, the life draining experience that made up the National RV industry show. Oh, the humanity! That’s what Louisville meant to me, days on end looking at RVs, eating expensive food and going to strip clubs(and if you haven’t been there, they aren’t all they are cracked up to be) until all hours of the morning. I knew the convention center and how to get to the restaurants downtown and to a small German restaurant out in the boondocks. Everything changed last year with my first trip to Wonderfest and this year was even better.
We started planning in earnest for the show a couple weeks ago. We had Jim Small working on buildups for us and JT Graphics doing protoype decals for us for The UFO Mystery Ship and Vulcan Shuttle. Those cut a little close to the wire but they all arrived in time. We were still packing up our booth and buildups the morning before we left. We headed out about an hour late to make it in time to start set up at 5:00 Friday.
We got there and met up with a friend of the company who helped as much as he was allowed to carry our stuff into the show. We had set up a dinner appointment with him and our 1/350 TOS Enterprise consultant, Gary Kerr and found ourselves running out of time. We managed to get the booth set up in time to start a late dinner. Dinner was fun talking to Gary and our other guest about TV shows like Star Trek and Lost In Space among others. It was a great chance to get to know each other better. I’m really looking forward to having Gary’s input on the kit. Bedtime came quickly after the meal.
We got up the next morning in time for breakfast before getting into the show to set up our buildups. Again, we had to rush to get it all set up. Early birds got the brush off as we finished setting up around 9:00. We brought along a computer to show off the website as well as some striking new graphics for our booth. A candy bowl and our survey were put out for all to consume. As a reward for filling out a survey, folks received back two Star Trek tattoos and an entry into a drawing. (Third prize, a Witch kit, went to Tyler Robbins, Scott Scariot claimed a Robby kit as second prize and Beth Waddell took first prize, a spiffy new 1/350 Enterprise 1701A kit. Congratulations, prizes will ship shortly) We had a great response to the survey with twice as many filled out as last year. We are still tabulating the data that will help guide some of our possible kit choices and put some things into perspective for us.
In looking over the surveys, the most shocking thing I found was that it looks like a substantial majority actually likes the new Star trek movie. That’s a good thing because besides showing off new model kits we announced our agreement to produce kits based on the new film. More details on that to come soon!
We had plenty of traffic both days and it seemed like most of the vendors did well at the show. Among other high points was meeting John Eaves when he stopped by the booth. I tried to visit him later in the show but couldn’t seem to catch him. Luckily, he stopped back by so I could give him an Enterprise E kit. Bob made a point of telling him that I had done the cover painting. (I’m kinda shy in person) I made a comment about how I hadn’t realized how complicated the ship was until I had to draw it. John smiled and didn’t tell me it sucked so I took that as a compliment (he was extremely friendly).
Saturday went by pretty quickly. I made one of my only purchases early that day when I saw a huge mobster figure hanging at a dealer right at the entrance. I had never seen them before but he’s a huge Mezco figure that looks quite like the Goon. I was shocked to learn he was only $5 so I had to stake my claim before someone else grabbed him up. My other private purchase was a FineMolds Tie Fighter. I’d never seen a FineMolds kit first hand before and the Tie Fighter is one of my favorite space ships. I hope they come out with a larger scale version some day. I also picked up some “R&D” kits of the MAK A.F.S. Mk2 figure and the new, popular Falke vehicle. I’m starting to dig into other kits like this to “see what they are made of”.
I saw a few excellent builds of the Falke in the contest showroom. The talent demonstrated in that room always blows me away. Amazing, amazing work. I particularly like well-done figural stuff and this is the show to find it. But hey, we make space ships here and folks out there are doing some awesome work with our kits. There were too many to mention but to me the best use of one of our kits was by the gentleman who did a great job with our 1/350 refit, painting it with real pearl paint and adding lights. It was impeccable. Not to be confused with what we referred to as the U.S.S. Vegasprise. This was a 4’ long refit that was actually shaped pretty nicely if you could stand it long enough to look at it. It literally had bells and whistles on it, and lights and chrome and everything that a well-made jukebox would have.
It turns out there is more to Louisville than a convention center. They’ve got movie theaters there too. One in particular looks like it has a great program going on showing great movies form my formative years. This particular weekend, they were showing Alien and the show organizers made sure that we Wonderfest-ers would have the opportunity to see it. It would have been great but as it turned out I was so incredibly tired from preparing for, driving to and working the show, I couldn’t keep my eyes open through the parts I really wanted to see. I barely got glimpses of the space jockey on the big screen. It was a real shame. I’ll need to see if we can get an arrangement like that made with a theatre around here. It seems like a great program. Upcoming films were Sixteen Candles, Superman 2 and Master of the Universe… Not so sure about that one.
I made a brief stop at the CultTVMan suite to round out my night. I bounced a couple kit ideas off Steve and checked out the Doctor Who Easter special. I’d always heard of the show and it seems like the current series is pretty popular. I have to admit to never watching a single episode. The show was entertaining and I can see the appeal. The not so special effects still distract me though. I’m not sure how everyone can put up with them. I guess if you like the character and story enough you can forgive the budget a little.
Sunday seemed like a decent crowd and it kept us busy enough. Things got a little slow towards the end of the day. That’s when I got my last look around the show and made some of my purchases. We wound up the day by tearing down the booth and were the second to the last people still in the room. We were a little late to the Wonderfest banquet. It was worth attending but the food was a little blah and the program was a little longer than it maybe should have been. I know lot’s of other folks enjoyed it all but it had been a long weekend.
I’m already looking forward to next year. Maybe I’ll find time to do a buildup worthy of entering into the contest or maybe participate in the Iron Modeler competition. Just like last year, we learned a few lessons and now we know better how to prepare for the next show.
In the meantime, you can give me some insight. I asked a question on last year’s survey that was a little hard for folks to answer at the time. It requires some serious thought but I’d really like to know…
What is your favorite model kit of all time and why? Be honest. I don’t want every response to be one of our kits. It doesn’t even need to be sci-fi. I truly want to know what commercial kits are great and what makes them so. Ease of build? Amount of detail? Parts fit? I want to learn from these kits in an effort to make all of ours just as great. I’m all ears.
Great write-up on the show, thank you! It was fun chatting with you guys over the weekend. Exciting times for model builders.
Favorite kit of all time is a tough one. Recently I’ve run into a few that have topped my list, however. Fine Molds has really upped the ante as far as manufacturing is concerned – you’re going to love that TIE Fighter. Their Millenium Falcon is brilliant as well. Spendy, big, and with over 800 parts, but it’s been an absolute pleasure to build. Right now the Falcon tops my list, but it’s a recent addition to the pile. For me it’s a matter of the kit being fun to build, with great detail, and (when the kit is based on an existing design) accuracy. Not necessarily in that order. I would wager that the Falcon is this generation’s SF version of the old Revell B-17 that everyone cherished for the same reasons – another large kit with a ton of detail that was fun to build, and at the time was at the cutting edge of the engineering of kits.
It was good to see you guys at the show and I am sure I will see you again this fall. I like what you’re doing to breath new life into older kits. The UFO and Vulcan Shuttle will be better than they ever were.
Thanks for this write-up and photos! Just yesterday I posted a request over on the Starship Modeler board for some good photos of your booth. I have to say that with paint and decals, that UFO Mystery Ship is looking good! The optional Federation decals have sold me on the Vulcan Shuttle, too.
I don’t have a favorite kit, but I do have a favorite kit manufacturer. It’s Bandai. Their kits are VERY well engineered and produced. I have NEVER seen flash on a Bandai kit. EVER! Take a look at their robot kits, especially the Gundam kits. It’s not uncommon for a robot kit to look toy-like when completed, but with a good paint job, Bandai’s kits make for very nice display pieces. Great detail, great engineering, and great articulation for a variety of poses. I know articulation doesn’t work for what you guys are doing, but at least you can appreciate the engineering to make it happen.
Since I couldn’t attend Wonderfest, I’m going to give you my survey answers here (because I just can’t help myself):
Preferred size of finished kit: 12″ x 12″
Preferred method to achieve detail: accurate decals (though paint is good, too. depends on the detail)
new Star Trek movie: Loved it!
Length of new movie Enterprise: 12″
Vintage Trek kits, in order of preference (most to least): Galieo Shuttle, 1/2500 Ships, Exploration Set, Bridge, Enterprise Cutaway
Should be released: improved
NOTE: I’m not really excited by this choice of vintage kits. I might take a pass on all of them, if made available.
Smaller Trek kits, in order of preference (most to least): KELVIN!!!, Reliant, Romulan Bird of Prey, Vulcan Ring Ship, Voyager, Klingon Bird of Prey, K’tinga, Botany Bay, new movie Jellyfish, Galileo Shuttle
Favorite ship not on the list: STARGAZER!!!
Larger Trek kits:, in order of preference (most to least): AKIRA!!!, Reliant, Enterprise D, K’tinga, Exploration Set, Bridge Set, K-7 Space Station
Getting right: The new and/or improved parts and decals are a very nice touch for the re-released kits
Improvement?: I’d like to see more new kits and fewer re-released kits
I read that the new movie Enterprise will be 1/1000 at 12″. Are there any plans on issuing a larger scale version of the new movie kit?
Thanks for the write-up! I wish I could have been there, but definitely next year! I’m going to follow in Derric’s footsteps and answer the survey here as well:
Preferred size of finished kit: It depends on the subject-most kits 12″ x 12″ is plenty-the 1/350 scale refit is a work of art, though, and fitting for the Enterprise. It’s almost automatically the centerpiece of any display case due to its size–maybe bring it down just a bit to 18″?
Preferred method for complex detail-if it’s registry #’s and such, decals. If it’s an aztec pattern, paint. It’s just not the same to me!
New Trek movie: LOVED it.
Length of the new movie Enterprise? 28″. It’s the new official design of the Enterprise from the most successful ST film ever-it deserves the same treatment as TOS and refit versions for all the new fans!!! If the NX-01 gets the ‘star’ treatment, so should this one 🙂
Vintage kits (In order of preference): Cutaway, Galileo Shuttle, 1/2500 ships, Exploration Set, Bridge. Start over with the cutaway-improve the rest!
Smaller scale (In order of preference): Kelvin, Kelvin, Kelvin. Klingon Bird of Prey, Reliant, K’Tinga, Galileo, Romulan BOP. Jellyfish, Botany Bay, Ring Ship and Voyager all tie for last.
Favorite ship not on the list: See username.
Larger scale ships: Akira, K’Tinga, (Why not a 1/350 Klingon BOP?), Enterprise D. Reliant, Bridge, Exploration Set and K-7 tie for last place.
What are you getting right so far? This survey, for one thing. it’s great that you’re asking for your customers’ input. All the 1/350 Enterprises are great-keep up the good work! As mentioned before, a big ‘J.J.-prise’ can’t come soon enough!
What can you improve? Not sure-it’s a relative scale, I think. To answer a question from your original post, I’d also agree with Blackbird-FineMolds is kicking a** and taking names. Let’s just say I won’t ever have to worry about buying an ‘accurizing set’ for one of their Star Wars kits. It always boggles my mind when a model company comes out with a kit that they’ve supposedly ‘researched’ and spent thousands of dollars to get ‘the most accurate kit of the (insert name here) ever produced’, and within a month, people with great talent and love for the subject matter have come out with some resin parts that make it REALLY accurate because they were watching the movie or TV show for 5 minutes and noticed a glaring difference in the kit they just bought from a company that supposedly spent MONTHS going over every square inch of the ‘actual filming model’ or some such nonsense but somehow they missed that it’s got two engines instead of three. Is it just me, or…?
It’s a great time to be a sci-fi modeler-Star Wars subjects are really being taken care of well by FM, and it goes without saying that Polar Lights sets a new standard for Trek!
Thanks again for the survey and, seriously, keep up the good work-my only hope is that you’re working on TOS Enterprise at the same time you’re working on the New Movie version-those original series guys already have kits to work on!! 🙂
I would like to know if Round 2 will be selling / distributing the re-issued model kits in the UK at major retailers like Toys’r’us and amazon.co.uk because I want to buy the reissued PL 1701-A and E, so far no one in England is selling them.
Can someone please tell me if there will be distribution in the UK.
In addition to my question in the above post I would love to fill out your questionnaire, here are my answers…
1.Preferred size of finished kit: 18″ x 18″ (around 1/350 size).
2.Method To achieve complex detail: Accurate Decals & Paint.
3.New Star Trek Movie: Liked (absolutely loved it!!!).
4.Size of New Movie Enterprise Kit: 28″ (bigger the better).
5.Vintage Kits: 1/2500 Ships (3), Galileo Shuttle (4), Exploration Set (3), Enterprise Bridge (4), Enterprise Cutaway (5).
6.Should be released as: Improved or some start over.
7. Smaller Ships: I tend to like larger kits (around 1/350 size if physically possible) but out of the small ones I would love the Kelvin and the Vulcan Ring Ship (one of the most amazing trek ship designs).
8. Larger Ships: Anything 1/350! particularly the Reliant and also the 1/1000 Enterprise D would be nice. A larger 1701-E would be a bonus. An Enterprise-B would be amazing.
9. What are you getting right so far: Deciding to add full body aztec decals to these new kits is one of the best decisions you have made as well as choosing to keep the Polar Lights brand and range of kits, new and old, going. Getting the new movie license is also a great achievement, please make a large New Kelvin!!
10. What we can improve: Availability, as I asked in the previous post I can’t find all this stuff anywhere in the UK or outside the US for that matter!. The re-issued 1701-A for example.
Your kits are really high quality and the plastic tolerances are getting better with each kit but its just getting my hands on one thats the problem! Please sell them at major retailers abroad.
My favorite kit of all time (so far) 1/350 Refit Enterprise. No kidding. That model is a dream come true. In my mind it can only be challenged by a 1/350th Klingon K’Tinga or Reliant.
I can live with 1/1000th scale but I prefer larger kits.
I loved the new ST movie. I look forward to you kits of all the new ships, “I hope”.
Like I said at the show, I am very pleased you folks are producing ST kits at all, so keep up the good work.
Thanks for the responses all especially to Deric1968, Akiraclass and R23 for filling out the surveys. We’ll add your responses to our data.
BlackbirdCD & Akiraclass- I’m a huge fan of the Falcon as well and have considered picking up the FM kit. A few things have kept me from it… 1)price. not that it’s not worth it. 2)size. It seems a little small (especially for the price) I’d like a kit of the ship that’s a good 2′ long. 3)Despite the detail, the innacuracies keep me from buying in. The mandibles seem like they’d be a nightmare to correct.
That being said, here’s a kit of one of the most popular ships in history that is by far the most detailed version ever conceived. Yet it still has accuracy problems. I can see how they happen. You get close to a subject and pour tons of hours into it and you get so close and attached that something obvious just gets overlooked by concentrating on other parts, details, whatever. It’s a real shame when it happens but human beings work on these things and despite our best attempts, things slip through.
Two things help solve these issues- time and eyeballs. Time to correct things even when it is late in the process and eyes to double check the work. Eyes that are familiar with the subject matter and who may have have designed or built the original or has had access to the filming model. That’s why we are glad to have someone like Gary Kerr helping us out. I would hazard a guess that no one knows the ships of Star Trek more intimately than him especially the TOS Enterprise. I can compare details to screen grabs with the best of them but it’s good to have THE guy onboard to make sure we get the most accurate ship possible.
To further address Akiraclass’ comments. The filming models themselves changed from film to film just from the standpoint of refurbishing them. Ships also change when going from physical filming model to CGI as well. Someone can look at a different scene or model and see details that aren’t represented in the kit. What is “correct” is always in the eye of the beholder.
R23- It seems our licensing agreement only grants us distribution rights in North America. Sorry I don’t have a better answer.
Revell B-17, FineMolds kits, Bandai (Gundam) kits, 1/350 1701A… keep the favorites coming.
I have not heard of Gary Kerr before. Could you tell us more about him?
I’ll hop on the remote access survey takers’ bandwagon:
Preferred size of finished kit: 18″ max dimension
Preferred method to achieve detail: paint (not decals)
new Star Trek movie: Best ever! Would rather have a Kelvin kit than an Abramsprise.
Length of new movie Enterprise: na – won’t buy it
Vintage Trek kits, in order of preference (most to least): AMT – Galileo Shuttle, Romulan BOP (both retooled), Klingon D7
Ertl – Got all that I want. If they were retooled to be more accurate, I would buy a Reliant, Ktinga
Should be released: improved. The Klingon D7 is about the only vintage kit I would pay for without improvements
Smaller Trek kits, in order of preference (most to least): Kelvin, Reliant, K’tinga, Galileo Shuttle, Romulan Bird of Prey,
Favorite ship not on the list: Don’t have “the list”, so I can’t say. Would like to see a Travel Pod kit one day.
Larger Trek kits:, in order of preference (most to least): Reliant, K’tinga,
Getting right: Retro packaging of classic kits, great box art for new kits, selling to hobby and comic stores, and exactly this sort of interaction on the web
Improvement?: Announce a new kit, and then deliver it to stores 3 months later, like Tamiya. Announcing kits way to far in advance is a tad frustrating for the customers, particulalry if you change your mind.
phicks- Gary Kerr is considered THE guy for accurate Star trek ship reference especially each incarnation of the Enterprise. He has had access to the 11′ studio model and has taken detailed measurements etc. On our way to dinner at Wonderfest, he was telling us about his recent opportunity to document the filming model of the Enterprise 1701E. He has researched the ships, their construction materials and paint colors, etc. I understand he has an impressive collection of Star trek props and those kinds of things as well. Ask just about anybody and they’ll tell you Gary is the guy with the golden Trek information. We’re very glad he will be helping us out.
Hope the Wonderfest surveys in the comments aren’t terribly annoying. 🙂
1.Preferred size of finished kit: ALL.
2.Method To achieve complex detail: Accurate decals.
3.New Star Trek Movie: Liked. Loved it. It was brilliant.
4.Size of New Movie Enterprise Kit: 12″ (or, to scale with the 1/1000 Constitution would be nice..).
5.Vintage Kits: 1/2500 Ships (5), Galileo Shuttle (2), Exploration Set (4), Enterprise Bridge (4), Enterprise Cutaway (3).
6.Should be released as: As-is, or improved (even just decals).
7. SMALLER Ships: 1/1000 Reliant (10), K’Tinga (8), BoP (10), Rom BoP (6), Voyager (9), Ring Ship (3), Kelvin (7), 1/350 Botany Bay (2)
8. LARGER Ships: 1/350 K’tinga (3), 1/350 Reliant (5), 1/1000 Enterprise-D (7), 1/1000 Akira (7), 1/12 Bridge Set (4), 1/1 Exploration Set (2), 1/2500 K-7 Space Station (3).
9. What are we getting right so far?: Re-release of classic and Enterprise-E and of the 1/350 Constitution. Improvement of decals and addition of aztec decals. Commitment to accuracy and communication with the modeling community.
10. What can we improve?: As of yet, nothing. I am delighted with what is out and what is to come.
Jaime-thanks for taking the time to address my comments! In retrospect I think they came out a bit harsh but certainly weren’t directed at PL or anyone else specifically. I was interested in your comments about the FM Falcon-I wasn’t aware that there were any significant inaccuracies and they mentioned in the kit literature that it was based on the ESB version and not the one from A New Hope; not sure if that changes anything but I’d love to learn whatever I can about it. Thanks again-looking forward to whatever kit’s next!
Glad to hear about this from you. Since I was not able to go I would also like to add my survey answers here….
Preferred size of finished kit: 12″ x 12″
Preferred method to achieve detail: Paint for most things but I would like to see some stencils of some of the detail so I can use paint, but for really small detail it would be decals.
New Star Trek movie: Loved it!
Length of New Movie Enterprise: Whichever one you can get to market first!!!!!
Vintage Trek kits (Liked Most to Least): 1/2500 Ships, Enterprise Cutaway, (Galileo Shuttle, Exploration Set, Bridge), the last three are about equal in my book.
Should be released: Improved
Smaller Trek kits (Wanted most to least): Voyager, Reliant, Kelvin , Klingon Bird of Prey, K’tinga, Romulan Bird of Prey, Botany Bay, Jellyfish, Galileo Shuttle, Vulcan Ring Ship
Favorite ship not on the list: 1/1000 Defiant (DS9), 1/1000 Equinox, 1/72 Delta Flyer
Larger Trek kits (Wanted most to least): Akira, Reliant, K’tinga , Enterprise D, Exploration Set, Bridge Set, K-7 Space Station
What are we getting right: Listening to the customers/fans.
What can we improve? I’d like to see more TNG, DS9 and Voyager Timeline ships.
Akiraclass- I didn’t mean to sound defensive either. I hope I didn’t come across that way. I just know in other (mostly illustration) projects I’ve done in the past, I am satisfied with how a piece turns out then I go back and look at it a month later and I see something that I should have done better. I have higher expectations for myself. That’s why we asked what can we improve on our survey.
From what I see of the FM Falcon is that the front mandibles are parallel where they should toe in a little at the front. Also, the radar dish is too small. I had never noticed any obvious differences between the filming models of the two flicks. Maybe I just haven’t paid close enough attention. At least I’ve never done a side by side comparison. Maybe what I see as innacuracies are actually true to the ESB version while I keep the New Hope version in my minds eye. That would prove my point. Accuracy is in the eye of the beholder.
phicks, flamingakira and pstyce, thanks for answering the survey questions. We’ll be glad to add your answers to our data. Same for anyone else who wants to take a minute to answer. Your input is very valuable to us.
JamieH, if you’re noticing accuracy issues like the mandible toe-in, and the radar dish on the Fine Molds’ Millennium Falcon then I’m convinced we have the right people on the job to crank out some really great Star Trek kits. Cant wait to see what’s coming down the line from you guys.
I have to admit that Jim Small tipped me off to the FM Falcon issues before I ever saw a built kit. I do have a knack for examining proportions and spacial relationships though. I would have figured it out on my own once I saw a kit in person.
Favourite kit of all time eh? That’s a toughie. When I was a kid, it was the old Space: 1999 Eagle, as it had TONS of play value! However, even then the innaccuracies of that kit were glaring and I spent most of my young life trying to get it right! But I had nearly a half dozen of those growing up, so it was definitely a fave!
My favourite Star Trek models would be the Refit, of course, and the 1/350th PL model is the best Sci-Fi kit ever made for the money, hands down. But the best designs after that for me are just about any of the ships seen in the first three films, such as the Klingon BOP and the Reliant, not neccessarily in that order. I’d love to see a Reliant done in 1/350th for sure! I also liked the Grissom (Oberth class?) which is a nice departure from the norm, even though the design makes no practical sense! I can also tolerate the “Excelsior”. Sorry, but most designs that came after those first three films to me are just bloody awful.
But, here’s a question for the people who know Trek better than me… What scale is the AMT BOP kit supposed to be?
I always understood it to be a very small ship, especially as seen in the 3rd film. It had only “about a dozen officers and men” as opposed to a Federation starship which had hundreds, and the scale relative to the Enterprise certainly seems to change from shot to shot. And everyone I’ve heard has said that there’s no way that the whale could have fit into the ship as in ST4 because it was so small! My understanding is that the AMT kit would be roughly the right size compared to the 1/350th scale Refit. But maybe I’m way off! Anyone know? And can you prove it?
I don’t see the survey so i am going by the questions i see answered here.
1) preferred size of finished kit: In scale to your other kits. Weather that ends up being 6 inches or 3 feet is fine. 1/1000 scale has been i good choice.
I always felt 1/2500 was to small and 1/350 is a bit to much money for me. But the scale is good for detail & lighting. My friend loves the 1/350 and has already got his refit and looking for and NX-01 and an Enterprise carrier.
Seems the main thing to him is that they are in scale to each other.
2) Method to achieve detail: Paint and decals. Decals for emitters,stripes,names. paint for overall colors,weathering etc.
3)New Star trek Movie: Great. I had some issues with the ship redesign & the ending. but overall great.
4) size of the new ship: There seems to be disagreements on this. see my post on to boldly go again. We (my friends and I) believe it is just abit larger than the NCC-1701-A looking at the saucer,side docking ports and windows.
5)vintage kits: loved the 1/400 D&E looking forward to seeing them in 1/1000
6)Should be released as: would like to see the NCC-1701-B & Excelsior redone with attention to detail. I would like to see the Runabout 1/72 redone with the cockpit this time.
7)smaller ships : all enterprises in 1/1000, 1/1000 reliant, defiant, Bird of prey Klingon & Romulan. I was not a big fan of the 1/2500 ships. we did get them though. Maybe if the 1st kit was redone with more detail like the C&E in the second kit.
8) larger ships: 1/350 Enterprise B? He says his dream would be the AirCraft carrier on through the Enterprise E, but this is a dream after considering the size and cost. We agree that the full line in 1/1000 would be fine.
9) what are we doing right: DETAIL and Scale. We like that that they have been done in the same scale. And the attention to detail given to them.
10) What can we improve: from what i hear , it seems there is a need to open up more to foreign markets. He says more ship stats in instruction sheets. I would like a few extra parts like in the NCC-1701 kit for variations. example the parts for the NCC-1701-D to do either series-D, Future-D, or maybe the Nebula that was based on the D.
11) ship not on the list: where’s the list? i would like to see what you’re considering. ok as above the full Enterprise line in 1/1000. 1/350 (dream) but the size and cost 🙁 He loves it , the cost has kept me from the 1/350 sorry to say. i do have all the 1/1000 so far. would like to see the DS9 Defiant, and the WoK Reliant. we are both looking forward to the 1/1000 Akira & Ncc-1701-D