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Round 2 Models: Wonderfest 2015 Space:1999 Eagle Announcement

posted by JamieH 10:58 AM
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

This year’s Wonderfest will be one to remember for me I’m sure. It may rival the shows where we announced or showed our 1:350 scale TOS U.S.S. Enterprise. The trip was fun all around. Instead of doing one long post about the show, I’m going to split up some topics through a few posts and I’ll put them up over the next few weeks. (no… really… I mean it this time. I’ve already written them. I just need to “publish” them…) I’ll cover the “big news” in this one.

I think most attendees were (happily) surprised to see the main attraction at our booth this year was a mockup of our upcoming Space:1999 Eagle Transporter. It’s a bit shy of 22” long and is based on the 44” filming miniature. Our team of consultants on the kit is comprised of Jim Small, Daniel Prud’homme who supplied the CAD model and Chris Trice. The model features spring-loaded landing gear and comes injected in white and gray with clear windows. The only interior details will be the pilot figures with a back wall in the nosecone. The retail price is targeted at about $100, but that will vary by retailer. I understand some have already started taking preorders. I’ll post more pics of the mockup later on.

One other thing to mention… Some people get confused when they see “subject to licensor review” like they saw on the little sign next to the mockup. In some cases, we put that statement on there voluntarily and sometimes it is required by the licensor. The true meaning of that can vary, but it essentially means what it says. The licensor has the right to review the product and can ask for changes from what you see. It has nothing to do with “permission” to make a product. The licensor is aware that it is being developed, and the rights to manufacture it have already been resolved through the licensing agreement. In an ideal world, the licensor would have had a chance to review it before we put it on display, but in this particular case the mockup arrived on my desk about a week before the show. Since I was busy prepping for that I never had time to properly photograph it to send to the licensor for their approval of it.

WF Blog 1-AWF Blog 1-BWF Blog 1-CWF Blog 1-DWF Blog 1-EWF Blog 1-F

24 Responses to “Round 2 Models: Wonderfest 2015 Space:1999 Eagle Announcement”

  1. Jim Long says:

    Thanks Jamie. We are all anxious to get this one, almost as much as the 1/350 TOS Enterprise. I heard that you will have an accessory kit for this as well. Will the retailers get those or are you just offering it on your website.

  2. mark belsom says:

    Can’t wait for this beauty to come out. Hope it won’t take to long to get to the UK. Many thanks to everyone involved for making such a beautiful kit.

  3. Mach7 says:

    Thanks VERY much Jamie! With the big eagle and TOS Enterprise you guys have made this old modeler very happy!

    I will be getting at least 1 of these (probably more).

    From what I’ve seen online the kit looks very good.

    Any Idea when the accessory pack will be out? How much it will cost?

    Well, I have to ask. Hawk?

    Thanks very much again.


    • JamieH says:

      The accessory pack should come out at the same time as the model and should retail for about the same price.

      As for a Hawk. we are looking into it, but as usual our tooling budget is tight and we need to see sales demonstrate the interest in the eagle first.

  4. Andrew L. says:

    This is awesome, and I have one on pre-order. Any idea what the accessory kit will cost? Also, I see there was no mention of the Galileo. Any news on if that will still be produced?

  5. Richardl says:

    A big thank you to everyone who made this 22″ Space 1999 Eagle possible.
    After having waited 40 years for such an accurately, detailed model. I can’t wait to welcome this new kit (several of them)
    into my home.

  6. Mach7 says:

    Thanks for the info Jamie.

    Maybe a nice interim kit would be a stun gun and comlock.

    They should not have huge tooling costs compared to the Hawk.

  7. crowe-t says:

    This is such an accurate representation of the Eagle. It’s nice to have a good sized Eagle that’s accurate to the studio model. I can’t wait to see one in person.

    Michael Scarola

  8. Vince says:

    Wow! I’m sooooooooo pumped about the Eagle One kit!!!!
    Thanks!!!! You guys are my favorites right now!

  9. David says:

    What all will be included in the accessory kit??

    • JamieH says:

      The Deluxe Accessory Set for this one will include metal replacements for the twelve large engine bells and oleo struts for the landing gear. We are looking at possibilities for another product that would be some of the smaller bits in metal.

  10. Will McCammon says:

    I followed the development of the 1/350 scale classic USS Enterprise kit with great interest and was proud to be in the “1701 Club” as a pre-ordered. Really looking forward to doing the same for this kit. Thank you for, again, taking the risk to make the kit BIG!

  11. Dan says:

    It’s almost unbelievable that you are actually making this kit – from a 40-year-old show remembered by hardly anyone I know. Of course I’m getting at least two.

    Thank you.

  12. Larry says:

    I too have been looking forward to the Eagle for a long time, having built and accurized several MPC kits over the years. And a 40 year wait for a truly accurate kit is a long time. However almost 50 years of waiting for an accurate Galileo is even more agonizing. Thanks for the Eagle (I’m getting three, by the way)! I guess I can wait another week for what I hope is the good news on the old 1701/7.

  13. ModelMan says:

    Congrats on the decision to green light this model! As one of my fave ship designs ever, I’m looking forward to finally having a good-sized and clearly very accurate version.

  14. Barnstormer says:

    That is FANTASTIC – a landmark kit, I am SO excited for this kit.

  15. Sergei Lebedev says:

    hello, i am from russia. my english is a little bit crazy, so please rejoin when you make your mistake; learning all of the times!

    i must needs say, i have a very large excite when i hear about this kit! i like space 1999 so very nice, it is a show with much action and plenty of excite. all round 2 model kits are very splendid, really first-rate, just like my 1/350 refit enterprise and TOS 1/350 Enterprise.

    please to advise, i would like to hear more advices about galileo shuttle that you will do a release on; when will this kit be available please?

    a very big thanks from perm, russian federation, for your very big work, which you do so well

    my best wishe to you all


    • JamieH says:

      Hi Sergei. I’m glad to hear we have modelers building our kits all the way over in Russia. Very exciting! You’ll see a little bit about the Galileo in today’s blog post.

  16. David Weimer says:

    Nice going I like the Eagle 1 look good I cannot wait for it to come out soon long with star trek shuttle craft later this year or next year is the Eagle from MPC kit? I Like to know.
    When the 22inch do to come out cutway model kit of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 I like to know soon it look cool models kits they all are please let me know about the USS Enterprise Thank you Jamie for these kits to return.

    • JamieH says:

      The eagle will carry the MPC brand. Using Polar Lights was considered, but MPC won out in the end. The Cutaway should be out in August give or take.

  17. s larkin says:

    here is one for you. since you carry the MPC label, and mpc has, in the past produced the space 1999 mk 9 hawk model, when are you going to produce it?

    • JamieH says:

      If I gave any kind of answer to that, I’d be lying because i don’t know. Whatever we would do with a S:1999 Hawk would need to be an all-new tool as the tooling for the old kit is missing. We have checked with Airfix and they can’t locate it on their end either.

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