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Round 2 Models: More from Wonderfest 2015

posted by JamieH 8:00 AM
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

As mentioned last post, this show will always be pretty memorable to me. I had the pleasure of hosting Jim Small and his pal, Donald Hayunga, who stopped in to visit Round 2 then accompanied us for the rest of the trip. Once they wiped their chins after seeing our repository of archived model kits, I put them to work on a few prep items for the show including touching up the Eagle mockup which had been slightly damaged on its way here from China. We then headed out a day early to take a trip to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton. I was a bit let down with this year’s trip there as we purposefully went on Friday to see the restoration wing and Presidential aircraft which is only available to be seen on that day, but security levels prevented visitors form going on the base where the hangars are. It looks like the fourth wing of the museum should be finished next year and all of those aircraft will be moved into the new wing.

With the extra help, set up went quickly and afterwards, we had dinner with a couple Space:1999 Facebook fan page managers Todd Morton and Gordon Moriguchi. Somehow, they had sneaking suspicions that we might be announcing the Eagle at the show. It was a pleasure to meet the guys and hang out at the show. We had visitors to the booth like Star Trek gurus Gary Kerr and Rick Sternbach, but the Eagle fans were especially excited when Gerry Anderson’s son, Jamie and BSG production designer Eric Chu stopped by to pose for pictures with the Eagle mockup.

I’ll touch on some of the other stuff we had on display in a future post, but I didn’t want to take too long before addressing one question that came up a couple times. A few kind folks wanted to know what’s happening with the Galileo Shuttle model kit. The honest truth is that we are looking to put it out in 2016 as part of the 50th anniversary celebration of Star Trek: The Original Series. Is waiting for the anniversary the only reason for the delay? No. As with all delays, there are many factors involved that would include “business” in that that kit is not our only concern company wide. Other unrelated circumstances and opportunities pop up and sometimes we have to take advantage of them. In other ways I can honestly say “life & death” have gotten in the way a little bit on this project on many levels. I don’t feel it is appropriate to get into any of the details. Can I promise that the Galileo will come out in 2016? I am not in the position to promise anything. I can’t predict the future. I can only proceed and work and fight until I’m told not to. Why do the Eagle now and not do the Galileo? When we examined all of the costs and possibilities, we felt that the Eagle was the better kit to do right now. As I’ve said before, I really appreciate everyone that has been reasonable about this. To those that have gotten a bit… testy… about it, well… Thanks for your interest too.

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24 Responses to “Round 2 Models: More from Wonderfest 2015”

  1. Rob says:

    Thanks for the update. I’m disappointed that the Galileo still hasn’t been released, but hopefully you do get the kit to market.

    Do you have an anticipated release date? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter?

  2. Mach7 says:

    Thanks Jamie.

    I appreciate the update. I hope to see the Galileo in 2016, and thanks again for
    the Eagle!

  3. Peter Hicks says:

    The Galileo 7 has been teased with drawings and discussions on Hobbytalk for about two years now, so the interest is natural. And it is a kit that was really, really badly done by AMT, so it is not as if a few a quick mods to the old kit can make it better.

    But if we get a 22 inch Eagle this year, and ANY new Star Trek kit next year (honestly, the Galileo would not be my first choice for the next Trek kit) then we should all count ourselves as happy. Soldier on Jamie!

  4. Andrew L. says:

    Glad to hear about the Galileo, and I look forward to that kit. I am also grateful for the Eagle. I have one on pre-order and expect it will be a fantastic kit.

  5. Todd Morton says:

    Thank you Jamie, it was a fantastic weekend and as I told you before, I will never forget my first WonderFest and hanging out with you guys! The eagle kit is gonna be a sensation! I too want the Galileo kit and that means next year is gonna be fabulous also! Keep up the great work you guys are doing! Thank you for everything and keep in touch!

  6. ModelMan says:

    That’s a great size for the Eagle and the parts look fantastic from these shots!
    50th Ann is a nice touch for Galileo. I’m sure folks can be patient, we’re already over half-thru 2015!

    • ModelMan says:

      Re-reading this post and catching up on news at the forums, I wanted to add that going from a large Eagle as little more than an outside notion at WF 2013 to product in this short a time while also pursuing the initial galileo work and all the other projects since is remarkable and a feat in itself that deserves some adolation.

      I’m glad you decided to sneak the Eagle into line now in case there was never another opportunity to do so again. Thanks!

  7. Rob says:

    I picked up the Eagle and moonbase this past year. I’m not intrested in a bigger one. I still have a 3 footer from Mattel I had as a kid. The My interest is in the shuttlecraft. I hope it sees the light of day.


  8. Michael Scarola says:

    I’m happy the 22″ Eagle is being released. It’s so unbelievably accurate to the original 44″ Eagle studio model!

    Round 2 continues to keep putting out these great kits that are so accurate(i.e. 1/350 TOS Enterprise, 1/25 Batmobile, 1/1000 Reliant, 22″ Eagle…).

    Thanks for the great effort and I can’t wait to get an Eagle. I’m sure the Galileo will be a very accurate kit too. I’m glad you guys are taking your time with it to get everything right for release.

  9. Dan says:

    I think people need to take a deep breath once in a while and remember that without Round 2 we’d have exactly none of these new kits available and the old ones would only be available on eBay.

    Thanks for all the cool stuff, guys.

  10. David says:

    Cult tv man is saying R2 will be releasing a new model of the Excelsior this winter, Any truth to that??

  11. Kevin says:

    Cool! Nice to have a face to go with the name Jamie! That 1999 Eagle is looking good. One of my oldest and dearest friends is a big fan and can’t wait to get one.

  12. Barnstormer says:

    I am excited about the possibilities of the Galileo kit, and look forward to it. I’m happily anticipating the upcoming 1/1000 Romulan Bird-Of-Prey, and ecstatic about the big Eagle kit. Thank you for these great kits – we have so much to look forward to!

  13. Tomh, Esq says:

    Hey Jamie,

    There’s a rumor going around that it was announced at Wonderfest that due to a problem with the Alien license, that there won’t be any more kits after Kane.

    That’s a shame, because I was really looking forward to the 1/1000 Sulaco, and was hoping to one day see a 1/1000 Nostromo.

  14. David Weimer says:

    I like to see more from Alien and Aliens model kits I hope they will bring out more soon like the USS Sulaco
    1:000 scale and Nostromo in 1:000 scale and the shuttle as well.

  15. Robert M. says:

    Definitely looking forward to the Galileo. I may even get two and chop it into a longer version. At any rate, it will be great to see this kit come back! Will the Eagle come with optional parts, like the dorsal thruster pack and the mission modules?

    Thanks for your efforts.


  16. mitchell says:

    Jamie, Speaking of the 1/1000 BoP (per Barnstormer) it was shown to come out in Jan. (cut away Enterprise May, Ships Of The LIne Jun.) but they are not in the AutoWorldStore catalog!! Whats up?

    • JamieH says:

      The ship dates slipped each due to different circumstances. The BoP is out now, the Cutaway is now on the water and will hit store shelves in about a month, and the Ships of the Line should be out in September now.

  17. Frank Landman says:

    Great space 1999.

    I am looking volume 9 SC FI Fantasy modeller space 1999

    Photo story book modeller ,.

    let my ever knowed if you maybe stock

    If you have any questions are welcome, Thank you

    Friendley Regards Frank Landman

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