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Round 2 Models: Wonderfest 2015 survey

posted by JamieH 8:00 AM
Monday, July 6, 2015

Though we skipped it last year, we brought back a short survey this year asking about kit ideas and a few other matters. A lot of folks that can’t miss the show always want to know what we were asking about and have their opinions heard. So I figured I’d use the blog to ask the public at large. Feel free to leave your answers in the comments.

Here is how it will work. The Questions are numbered. Write the number and your chosen answer. If only one answer is asked for, that’s all we want. If you leave more than one, neither answer will be counted. “Tough choices” you may say… Well, that’s why I’m asking. I see merit in all of them, and they are grouped very specifically. Does the fact that we are asking mean that we intend to do any or all of these kits. Not necessarily, but we wouldn’t ask if we didn’t want and answer. Don’t be surprised if an unpopular answer becomes a kit before more popular ones do. We have many factors that will ultimately influence our decisions.

Note that comments to not immediately appear. They have to be approved first. So don’t worry if you don’t see your votes added immediately at the bottom of the thread. We’ll let this run through the end of July. So don’t wait. remember if your votes aren’t in the form of a response to this post they won’t count toward this survey.















1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?

2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)

A) Not familiar with Kickstarter

B) Sealab III

C) 1/25 scale Green Hornet Black Beauty

D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

A) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign

3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)

A) 214m

B) 349m

4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

B) 1:1000 FJ scout/destroyer

C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)

D) 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought

E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

B) 1:1000 USS Defiant

C) 1:1000 USS Voyager

D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

A) 1:2500 USS Akira

B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack

7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

B) 1:350 Ktinga

C) 1:350 Klingon D7

8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)

A) 1:48 Hawk

B) Ultra Probe

C) Laser Tank #1

9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)

A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

B) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ CARGO POD

C) 22″ Eagle expansion set #1 – Nuke Mine, Claw, Side Booster & Laser Turret

D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures


266 Responses to “Round 2 Models: Wonderfest 2015 survey”

  1. Tom Bondurant says:

    3) A) 214m

    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager

    6) C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack

    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

  2. James Henderson says:

    2. A
    4. E
    5. C
    6. C
    7. A

  3. Frank Wire says:

    1) – Joe,… We call him Joe.
    2)A with caveat. I’m not likely to support a kickstarter… BUT If it included some type of discount on a Model I REALLY wanted I can see myself changing my mind (see my answer to question 7. None of the ones listed I would support.
    3)A 214m
    4)A 1/1000 Constellation
    5)C 1/1000 Voyager
    6)C NX, Voyager, Constellation 3 pack.
    7)A – 1/1000 Enterprise D (Hero status confirmed)
    8)A Hawk (but really I just like the eagles in this topic)
    9)C – add on’s to the base eagle – I’m in 🙂

  4. Edge says:

    1) Bugged Out!
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) A) 214m
    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation
    5) A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  5. Louis Armour says:

    (7) 1/350 Ktinga

  6. Richard says:

    Thanks for offering a survey!

    1.) Gimboid

    2.) A.

    3.) B (349m)

    4.) C (1/2500 Nebula) (Only if it replicates the STUDIO MODEL; they always get the deflector dish and saucer edge height wrong on this thing.)

    5.) A (1/1000 K’t’inga) (Preferably with the option to build the CG DS9/VOY/ENT variant)

    6.) A (1/2500 Akira class)- This is a BIG one, I would buy this over all other 1/2500 offerings.

    7.) None. I’m not a fan of large kits.

    8.) A (1/48 Hawk)

    9.) C

  7. Mach7 says:

    1. Bad Billy
    2. E
    3. B
    4. E
    5. D
    6. None
    7. C!
    8. A!
    9. D

    On 2, I’m not opposed to kickstarter for kits. Just not for any listed.

  8. Tomh, Esq says:

    1) Dad’s Finally Lost It
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) D) 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought
    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  9. Martin Pilot says:


  10. 1) Picnic Dad
    2) A
    3) B
    4) C
    5) A
    6) A
    7) B
    8) A
    9) C

  11. John Payne says:

    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)
    D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)
    A) 214m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:2500 USS Akira

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures
    – See more at:

  12. Brad Hair says:

    1. Mad Eye Fly
    2. B & C
    3. B
    4. E
    5. C
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D

  13. brt says:

    1) Beachbummer
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) A) 214m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  14. David E. says:

    1) No opinion
    2) E
    3) 214m
    4) C
    5) D (I’d buy MANY of these!)
    6) A
    7) A
    8) A
    9) B

    Thank you for your consideration.

  15. Jim Gardner says:

    1) “My Mother in Law”
    2) D 1/350 Ktinga
    3) B 349M
    4) D 1/2500 Enterprise D
    5) N/A
    6) A 1/2500 Akira
    7) C 1/350 Klingon D7
    8) A 1/48 Hawk

  16. Gene says:

    1) George
    2) D
    3) A
    4) A
    5) D
    6) A
    7) A
    8) C
    9) D

  17. Jerry Conner says:

    1) Not a Clue
    2) C, D
    3) A
    4) C
    5) D
    6) C
    7) B
    8) A
    9) D

  18. John Fleisher says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?
    2)1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) 349m
    4) B) 1:1000 FJ scout/destroyer
    5) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7)1:350 Klingon D7
    8) 1:48 Hawk
    9) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  19. Benjamin EYRE says:

    1)Phillip POINTER

  20. Barry says:

    1- Figure is a no-go for me. Best of luck naming it, though! 😉

    2- I am unable to participate in Kickstarter. If I was, I’d support the 1/350 K’tinga.

    3- A.

    4- while all are good, option E strikes me as being more appealing for the Spacedock component.

    5- A (1:1000 Klingon K’tinga) is my choice for this.

    6- Tough one. I’d say B – IF the Excelsior IS an Excelsior; not yet another Ent-B.

    7- Any of those will be good. I don’t really have a favourite amongst those.

    8- A. The 1/48 Hawk for sure!!!

    9- D. 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  21. Mark says:

    1) flats
    2) d
    3) b
    4) e
    5) c
    6) c
    7) a
    8) b
    9) a

  22. RB says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?

    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)
    B) Sealab III
    C) 1/25 scale Green Hornet Black Beauty

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)
    A) 214m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:2500 USS Akira

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  23. dan says:

    D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    B) 349m
    E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga
    B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    A) 1:48 Hawk
    D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures – See more at:

  24. spock62 says:

    Here’s my list:

    1)That will NEVER grace my display shelf, so I don’t care what you call it!

    Now get cracking on these kits. I’m waiting! 🙂

  25. NC says:

    1) Swattin’ Saul
    2) B) Sealab III D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) B) 1:1000 USS Defiant
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8) B) Ultra Probe
    9) C) 22″ Eagle expansion set #1 – Nuke Mine, Claw, Side Booster & Laser Turret

  26. Mark T says:

    Not really interested in much in the list beyond the Space 1999 questions, so…

    8: A

    9: A

    Just a comment: for 9: wouldn’t a standalone lab pod accessory / expansion kit be a good alt option, rather than buy another whole Eagle?

    PS: stoked about the Eagle!


  27. L.M. Oliver says:

    1. Hortense
    2. B, D
    3. A
    4. A
    5. D
    6. A
    7. A
    8. A
    9. A

  28. Roger Sorensen says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? Yes
    What should we name him? Mad Melvin the Musca Molester

    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)
    D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)
    C) Offhand, I don’t know

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:2500 USS Akira

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

    The question you didn’t ask: How anxious are you for the 1/32 Galileo?
    A: Very.

  29. 1) Bugsy

    2) D

    3) A

    4) E

    5) C

    6) A

    7) A

    8) A

    9) B

    PLEASE do the Enterprise-D from TNG in 1/1000, regardless of the votes!! 🙂

  30. Mark S says:

    1. Canceled
    2. D
    3. A
    4. B
    5. C
    6. None
    7. B
    8. C
    9. D

  31. arthur krull says:

    1) Sam Swatsky
    2) c
    3) a
    4) a
    5) a
    6) c
    7) a
    8) a
    9) a

    Really looking forward to the 22″ Eagle!

  32. Dave Hughes says:


  33. Todd Petit says:

    1) Swatt
    2) D
    3) B
    4) E
    5) A
    6) C
    7) B
    8) B
    9) D

  34. Kirk Osterman says:

    1) Billy Bugbasher
    2) A. I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign
    3) B. 349m
    4) E. 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) A. 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga
    6) A. 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) B. 1:350 Ktinga
    8) A. 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  35. Drew Huffman says:

    1) Steve Iverson

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) C) 1:2500 NX-01

    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga

  36. David Weimer says:

    where is USS Akira class 1:000 1:2500 and scale they where big talk about in pass two years ago.
    And finilly USS Excelsior 1:000 and USS Oberth and USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Dreadnought 1:000 and 1:2500 scale models kits I like to see to come out. I like
    to see USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Dreadnought as well and USS Voyager models kits.
    USS Excelsior NX-2000 and NCC-2000 decales that will be cool to have.

    • JamieH says:

      (this post was edited for content) To answer, all of the above are under consideration, but we can’t do it all and definitely can’t do it all at once. We use surveys like this to judge interest to help inform our decisions on what to do next and what to do further down the road.

  37. Scott Alexander says:

    1) Unnecessary. Truly an unattractive idea and will not sell.

    2) I would not support a Kickstarter campaign for a model kit.

    3) N/A

    4) N/A

    5) N/A

    6) N/A

    7) C

    8) A

    9) C

  38. Michael Leppard says:

    Well, here are mine —-
    1) NO Clue
    2) B / D
    3) 214m
    4) D
    5) C
    6) B
    7) C
    8) A
    9) A

  39. Jason Eaton says:

    Jamie, I have been hounding you for YEARS on the Sealab III at WF, and now Atlantis Models has it in pre-development.

    I have pre-ordered thirty bagged kits.

    Whomever can get this thing made gets my money.

  40. Tim says:

    1. N/A (don’t really care)
    2. D
    3. B
    4. A
    5. D
    6. C
    7. B
    8. C
    9. B

  41. Chris C says:

    1. Mick fly

    2. C, would love to have a 1/25 Black Beauty

    3. 349

    4. A

    5. A

    6. C

    7. B

    8. A

    9. D

  42. Bob Bedard says:

    2 C 7 C 8 A 9 D

  43. Rich D says:

    1. Model Mayhem
    2. D
    3. D
    4. A
    5. C
    6. C
    7. B
    8. A
    9. B

  44. Michael Anderson says:

    Just a curious question to those guys who – for the length of the K’tinga picked ‘B’ (349 meters)? Which would make it longer than the Enterprise itself.

    It was well documented from the time that TMP came out, that a K’Tinga was 214 meters.

    What is the reasoning behind the longer length?

    • JamieH says:

      Deck height. I can’t recall the site(s) but when double checking the accepted length (I always have to corroborate any published lengths for my own piece of mind) I found a few sources using 349m. IIRC, they were allotting for 3m deck heights and referencing the windows in the front bulb and also the narrowest part of the neck. I believe they were calculating the deck height at 214m to be in the neighborhood of 2m which would be too short for a Klingon.

      • Andy says:

        I see where you are coming from Jamie, but at the longer “suggested” length (which started from the notorious DS9 tech manual), not only does the ship look ridiculously big next to the same scale Enterprise, but it would be a VERY expensive kit to produce (also nearly impossible to display for the average modeller). We have managed for years with AMT’s 1/537 ship scaled to about 214 meters and various other K’tinga’s in scales from 1/2500, 1/1400 all depicting an approximate 214meter length. Why buck the trend when it’s likely that the expense of producing a 349 meter- 1/350 scale kit (and potential effected sales) would doom this kit to the back burner forever????? Andy

        • JamieH says:

          Well, that’s why I’m asking the question. 🙂
          We get requests for a 1:350 scale Enterprise D and I don’t think those folks understand what they’d be getting into at that scale. Like most ships, there is some debate about the “real” size and I’m just making sure that if we could bring a kit to market that the shorter length would be acceptable.

  45. Matt Wesley says:

    1: The “Raid”iact
    2: B Sealab III
    3: B, 214m
    4: C, 1/2500 Nebula Class
    5: D, USS Grissom
    6: A, 1/2500 Akira
    7: C, 1/350 D-7
    8: C, Laser Tank.. 1/35
    9: C, Nuke mine, Claw, Laser Turret

  46. Laurence Justus says:

    1) Swatzilla
    2) B
    3) A
    4) A
    5) D
    6) A
    7) C
    8) A
    9) D

  47. Michael Bonkowski says:

    1) Swatted
    2) C (Would buy multiple !)
    3) A
    4) D and/or E
    5) c
    6) c
    7) A
    8) C

  48. ESP says:

    1. Slappy Stevie Gruesome
    2. D
    3. A
    4. C
    5. D
    6. A
    7. A
    8. A
    9. A

  49. skystriker says:

    9 HAR

  50. Bruce in Columbus says:

    Not interested/no opinion for all questions – but –

    1) Call the model “Marty McFly”
    2) B, D
    8) C


  51. Brad D says:

    1) Boogerby

    2) A) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign

    3) B) 349m

    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira

    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

    8) A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  52. Michael Dudley says:

    1) SA) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign
    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas D) 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought
    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one) B) 1:1000 USS Defiant
    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas B) Ultra Probe
    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures – See more at:

  53. Jim Mueller says:

    1. MARTI McFlye
    2. B
    3. A
    4. E
    5. D
    6. B
    7. A
    8. C
    9. D

  54. Christopher M. says:

    1 – The Purple Nurple
    2 – D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3 – A) 214m
    4 – A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation
    5 – D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6 – B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7 – B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8 – A) 1:48 Hawk — & I’ll order 2 right now!
    9 – A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

    350 Tkinga would rock because you could issue it 2x – 1 for STMP and 2 w/ Photoetch for ST6

    Constellation is interesting, it would require a different saucer & 2 different warp engines, all cut mangled/open. Include a photoetch for “twisted wreckage” poking out the blast holes!

    Space 1999: I’d love ALL Eagle to be separate expansion packs: You buy the Eagle the Base eagle — THEN buy side boosters or top boosters or lab pod or cargo pod or laser etc. Make it modular!

    And a 48 scale Hawk? I’ll preorder baby that now! Gimmie!

  55. Matthew Hammond says:

    2) 1:350 Klingon
    3) What length is the K’t’inga : 349m
    4) 1:2500 Nebula-class
    5) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

  56. Luke says:

    1. George
    2. E
    3. A
    4. –
    5. D
    6. B
    7. B
    8. –
    9. –

  57. Jo says:

    1 Call him the Crazy Flyswatter, Mad Flyswatter, Flyswatting Freak or Freaky Flyswatter.

    2 B and D — Sealab and 1/350TH K’Tinga

    3 B — (bit of a strange question)

    4 Not really interested in those

    5 Not really interested in those either. A K’Tinga needs a bigger kit to show all the detail including little transparent plastic windows.

    6 Again not really interested in those too.

    7 B — 1/350TH K’Tinga

    8 B — I said the Ultra Probe but I’d definitely buy a Hawk and Laser tank too and what about some of the big 1999 guest ships like the battlecruiser?

    9 D — Eagle expansion set 2. Be great to have the nuke pods, buggy and figures in plastic.

  58. Carl Moss says:

    C) 1:350 Klingon D7…Please.

  59. Allan Newell says:

    My choices are:

    4) E
    5) D
    6) B
    8) A
    9) D

  60. John says:

    1) Flysurfer
    2) D
    3) B
    4) D
    5) A
    6) A
    7) A
    8) C
    9) A

  61. Chris D says:

    1) Bob
    2) E
    3) B
    4) C
    5) C
    6) A
    7) A
    8) C
    9) D

  62. Tom G. says:

    1. Purple Pot Bellied Pete
    2. A/E
    3. B
    4. E
    5. D
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. A (Would be wise to offer the same “Deluxe version” as you have for this year in 1:48 scale)

  63. 1) Swatty McFly
    2) D
    3) B
    4) A
    5) A
    6) A
    7) B
    8) A
    9) A

  64. Mark B says:

    1. Sam.
    2. D
    3. A
    4. D
    5. D
    6. A
    7. A
    8. C
    9. B

  65. Matt Jacobson says:

    1. Swattin’ Sammy
    2. D
    3. B
    4. D
    5. A
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. A

  66. Chow FC says:

    2. C: 1/25 Green Hornet Black Beauty
    3. B: 349m
    4. E: 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5. B: 1:1000 USS Defiant
    6. A: 1:2500 USS Akira
    7. B: 1:350 Ktinga
    8. B: Ultra Probe
    9. D: 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  67. Mike Robel says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?
    Harold Schwarz

    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)

    B) Sealab III
    D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)
    B) 349m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one) C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one) B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one) A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  68. Joshua says:

    1/350 K’tinga.

  69. skystriker says:

    pods as separate kits(some of us don’t have room for 4 22″ eagles),,,hawk,, nuke mine, spine/side booster,buggy, extra passage pods

  70. 1) no answer,good luck
    2) d

  71. Phil says:

    1) McFly
    2) E
    3) A
    4) B
    5) A
    6) A
    7) A
    8) C
    9) D

  72. Richardlamer says:

    8. A
    9. D

  73. Ron G says:

    2 – D; K’tinga baby!
    3 – A; 214 meters
    4 – A; 1/1000 USS Constellation
    5 – A; (D a close second)
    6 – B; 1/2500 Excelsior/Ent B – Oberth – KBop
    7 – C; 1/350 D7!
    8 – A; 1/48 Hawk
    9 – A; 22″ Eagle with Lab Pod – though making these as option kits would work too.

  74. Duncan says:

    1. The Grape Escape
    2. C
    3. A
    4. E
    5. D 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    ^- these would sell like hotcakes!!!
    6. A
    7. A
    8. A
    9. A -this is a must have.

  75. Andrew L. says:

    1. Answer “Crog the Crazy Bug Killer”
    2. Answer D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3. Answer A) 214m
    4. Answer E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5. Answer A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga
    6. Answer B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7. Answer B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8. Answer A) 1:48 Hawk
    9. Answer D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  76. Randy Palmer says:


    2)Yes/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga



    5)1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

    6)A) 1:2500 USS Akira

    7)1:350 Klingon D7

    8)A) 1:48 Hawk B)

    9)D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

    Wish List: Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Galileo!

  77. Eric L says:

    1) Reggie
    2) D
    3) B
    4) A
    5) D
    6) C
    7) B
    8) B
    9) A


  78. Andrew Vockings says:

    1 no idea
    2 D
    3 B
    4 E
    5 C
    6 A
    7 B
    8 C
    9 A

    please please please anything in a 1/350 ktinga relient voyager

    and pretty please 1/1000 scale enterprise D and E

  79. David F says:

    2) D
    3) A
    4) None – don’t like the smaller scale
    5) None – don’t like the smaller scale
    6) None – don’t like the smaller scale
    7) B
    8) None – no interest
    9) None

  80. Craig says:

    1. Earl
    2. E. Wouldn’t support a kickstarter.
    3. B
    4. E
    5. D
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. A

  81. Owen E. Oulton says:

    1 no opinion
    2 do not support Kickstarters
    3 214m
    4 b
    5 c
    6 c
    7 none
    8 none
    9 none

  82. Robert McNay says:

    1) No idea
    2) C – 1/25 Black Beauty
    D – 1/350 Klingon K’Tinga
    3) 214m
    4) None
    5) None
    6) None
    7) C – 1:350 Klingon D7
    8) A – 1:48 Hawk
    9) B – Eagle w/Cargo Pod

  83. 1: Haogy
    2: 1:350 K’Tinga
    3: A
    4: E
    5: D
    6 No interest in any option
    7 No interest in any option
    9: A

    A set featuring components to make several possible variants of 22″ pod please

  84. Bruce Probst says:

    1) The Swot
    2) A (the second A — which I guess should be E?)
    3) B
    4) B
    5) A
    6) B
    7) A
    8) A
    9) D

  85. Jeffrey says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?

    Don’t care.

    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)

    D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)

    B) 349m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)

    Don’t care.

    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)

    Don’t care.

  86. pagni says:

    And while you’re at it.
    Galileo larger scale
    Romulan 1/350
    Aurora/Tholian 1/350

  87. Don W says:

    1. No Opinion
    2. D
    3. A
    4. A
    5. D
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D

  88. Shabo451 says:

    2) D
    3) A
    4) A
    5) D
    6) B
    7) B
    8) A
    9) A

  89. Peter Hicks says:

    1. Jamie
    2. D
    3. B
    4. E
    5. A
    6. B
    7. B
    8. B
    9. A

    In summary, Ktinga, Ktinga, Ktinga. Anytime, anywhere, anyscale.

  90. Karloski says:

    1) Moe Caubelle
    2) D
    3) 349m
    4) E
    5) B
    6) A
    7) C
    8) A
    9) D

  91. Scott Filgo says:

    1) McFly
    2) B, D
    3) B
    4) C
    5) C
    6) C
    7) A
    8) A
    9) B

  92. DarkStar66 says:

    8) A

    9) D

  93. Andy Conway says:

    1. Mad Flyswatter
    2. D.
    3. A.
    4. A
    5. C.
    6. C
    7. C.
    8. A
    9. D.

  94. Ziz says:

    1) No idea. Not into those figures.
    2) D – 350 K’Tinga
    3) A – 214m
    4) E
    5) D
    6) None. Not interested in 2500 scale
    7) D – All of the above!
    8) None. Not interested in Space:1999
    9) Ditto.

  95. Brent says:

    1. Bug Eyed Bob
    2. D
    3. A
    4. D
    5. B
    6. C
    7. A
    8. B
    9. D

  96. Holt35 says:

    #1)No Opinion
    #4)A After this C then D I have no interest in the other two
    #7)A I would love to have all the Enterprise’s in 1/1000 Scale
    #8)No Opinion since I only build trek kits
    #9)No Opinion since I only build trek kits

  97. Todd Morton says:

    1) Buster
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) B) 1:1000 USS Defiant
    6) C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7) C) 1:350 Klingon D7
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  98. Dexter Parker says:

    1) Bugged out

  99. Robert says:

    1) The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
    2) D – As long as you make it available to those of us in the UK. I’m still bummed out even now that I couldn’t join the 1701 Club. I’d still like to see the mailings the club members got if that’s possible…!
    3) A
    4) C
    5) C
    6) B
    7) A

  100. Mark Belsom says:


  101. el gato says:

    1) Stress
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)
    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

  102. Michael Scarola says:

    1. Crazy Bob
    2. D
    3. A
    4. E
    5. A
    6. B
    7. A
    8. A
    9. B

  103. David says:

    1, red neck scarecrow
    A couple of them have more than 1 lit I would like to see as I’m sure others here would like also.

  104. Interceptor says:

    8) 1:48 Hawk
    9) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ CARGO POD

  105. Proper2 says:


  106. Jeff Ruble says:

    1. Reginald
    2. A) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign
    3. NAC (Not A Clue)
    4. A
    5. C
    6. B
    7. A
    8. A
    9. D

  107. Christian Aldo says:

    The KLINGON D-7 1/350 would be the ultimate!!!!

  108. spencer1984 says:

    2) – C) 1/25 scale Green Hornet Black Beauty

  109. Frank Fowler says:

    No 4, C Nebula and No. 6 A Akira

  110. admyral says:

    1) Delinquent Fly-er

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) B) 349m

    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager

    6) C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack

    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

    8) C) Laser Tank #1

    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  111. Tim Hert says:

    1.) Name him Skreech!
    3). B
    6.) C
    Thsnks for new Eagle comming!!!

  112. Justin Leighty says:

    1. Mad Merv.
    2. A
    3. B
    4. D
    5. A
    6. C
    7. A
    8. A
    9. A

  113. JC says:

    1. dunno
    2. E – wouldn’t support any of these, might support something else
    3. A
    4. D
    5. B
    6. A
    7. A
    8/9. no interest in subject

  114. Stephen Lawton says:

    1) Don’t know.
    2) E) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign (Maybe for unproduced model I really, really want)
    3) A) 214m
    4) C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)
    5) A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga
    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8) B) Ultra Probe
    9) A) 22 Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

    FYI – I personally have low interest in non-1:2500 scales, but would be excited to see Vorcha, Neghvar, AGT Ent. D, Romulan Warbird, Dominion Battlecruiser Ferengi Marauder, etc.

  115. Joshua S. says:

    Many thanks for posting up the survey!

    1. Splat!
    2. A
    3. B
    4. B
    5. C
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. A

  116. Roy Pres says:

    1) Venusian Flytrap
    2) D, 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B, 349m
    4) B, 1:1000 FJ scout/destroyer
    5) C, 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) C, 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack (Would like to see both NX-01 TV version and refit)
    7) A, 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D (would love to see all Enterprises from tall ships, through CV-6, CVN-65, OV-101, CVN-80, CXV-330, to 1701-E in 1:1000)
    8) B, Ultra Probe
    9) D, 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 ? Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  117. Barnstormer says:

    1. Smackin’ Macklin.
    2. B, D
    3. Huh… never knew that this was debated before, don’t know…
    4. C
    5. A
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A (but… all of them.)
    9. B (but… all of them. And I agree with some other comments – a standalone alternate pod would be preferable to needing to re-buy another eagle for the different pod, particularly for such a large kit.)

  118. Hunk a Junk says:

    1) McFly
    2) D 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga (!!!!!!!!!)
    3) B 349m
    4) C 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)
    5) C 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) A 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) B 1:350 Ktinga (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    8) A 1:48 Hawk
    9) C 22″ Eagle expansion set #1 – Nuke Mine, Claw, Side Booster & Laser Turret

  119. Richard says:


  120. Moongrim says:

    1) Swat Fink
    2) D 1:350 K’tinga
    3) 349 meters.
    4) E 1:1000 Battle Damaged refit w/Drydock
    5) D 1:1000 Grissom w/ KBOP
    6) A 1:2500 Akira
    7) A 1:1000 Enterprise D
    8) B Ultra Probe
    9) A 22″ Eagle with Lab Pod

  121. Ed says:

    1) Grape
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) B) 1:1000 USS Defiant
    6) C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7) C) 1:350 Klingon D7
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  122. Robert Beach says:

    Awkward! Having to slide up and down to view the questions in the post… anyway:
    1. Fly-Flippin’ Mad Frankie / Buzzed Off Bugsy
    2.B, D

  123. Randal says:

    the Hawk Explorer 18 satellite.

  124. robn1 says:

    1. Swat! or Bug Out!
    2. Depends on subject, it would have to be something special.
    3. No idea, but slightly shorter than refit Enterprise.
    4. Meh
    5. Meh
    6. Meh
    7. B
    8. A!!!!!!!!!
    9. D

  125. Chris C says:

    1. Mick Fly
    2. C
    3. B
    4. A
    5. C
    6. C
    7. C
    8. A
    9. D

  126. Jorge Carmo says:

    8) B
    9) A

  127. swhite228 says:

    1 Bob
    2 D 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    4 D 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought
    5 D 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6 C 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7 C 1:350 Klingon D7 I want the 1/350 K’Tinga as well
    8 A 1:48 Hawk… The Laser Tank is a very close 2nd!
    9 D 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  128. william says:

    1. frankenswatter

  129. 1-MONGO
    Best new trek kits, Saber, Steamrunner, Delta Flyer

  130. Mike Adamson says:

    1) Tasteless?
    2) B — Sealab III and D — K’Tinga
    3) B — 349mm
    4) D — D-dreadnought
    5) C — Defiant
    6) A — Akira
    7) C — D7
    8) B — Ultra Probe
    9) A — Eagle with lab pod

  131. Paul Pratt says:

    1. No idea
    2. If a kickstarter goes forward you need to educate your audience as to what kickstarter is. I feel most of the people denying a kickstarter are just ignorant to what you are asking. A kickstarter would be a good place for things like the 1:1000 Akira class. A chance to let the community put their money where their mouth is with no risk for anyone involved. I think 1:350 Ktinga is cool, but possibly a large waste of resources.
    3. B, if A the neck becomes ridiculously small.
    4. C
    5. ALL! The defiant needs a dominion fighter packaged with it.
    6. Again all. Easy.
    7. A, 1:1400 needs to go away (two mainline scales 1:1000/1:2500 with a flagship 1:350 product)
    8. Any that the community wants.
    9. Either expansion set sounds really cool.

    • Roy Pres says:

      Hello Paul,

      While I would love a 1:350 “D”, one fact vexes me, I’m going to need a bigger house.
      In 1:1000 scale the “D” would be about 25.3 inches long by 18.4 inches wide. In 1:350 scale it would be 72 inches (6 feet) long by 52.5 inches wide.
      After Round 2 comes out with the “D” in 1:350, we’ll all want the “B”, “C”, and “E” in 1:350. Which means I’ll have to display them somewhere, I’m going to need a bigger house! Honestly, it’s a problem I would love to have.

      Right now I have 6 Enterprises (NX-01, NX-01 refit, 1701, 1701 refit, 1701-A, and 1701-B) on a stand with LEDs in them in 1:1000 all let up. As I said in my post I would love for Round 2 to come out with a 1:1000 line ranging from the tall ships to 1701-E. The “C” would be about 20.7 by 18.9 inches and the “E” would be around 27 by 10 inches. To me that would be a great display of ships!

      Have a great day, Roy

  132. Jordan says:

    1. John
    2. A (the second one)
    3. B
    4. B
    5. D
    6. C
    7. A
    8. B
    9. C

  133. Samson T Yocotta says:

    1. Tragusi
    2. B,D
    3. B
    4. A
    5. C
    6. C
    7. A
    8. A
    9. D

  134. Steve Shaffer says:

    Cy Fly

  135. Rob Dickinson says:

    1. Dave.
    2. d
    3. b
    4. b
    5. c
    6. c
    7. a
    8. c
    9. b

  136. Greg Saum says:

    1.) George, of course!
    2.) D
    3.) B
    4.) A
    5.) D
    6.) B
    7.) A
    8.) –
    9.) –

  137. kangg7 says:

    1-Angry Al

  138. David C says:

    1) Aaarrgghh, my eyes, my eyes (my reaction).
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) C) 22″ Eagle expansion set #1 – Nuke Mine, Claw, Side Booster & Laser Turret

  139. Sean says:

    1. Frank N Fly
    2. D
    3. B
    4. E
    5. B
    6. A
    7. B
    8. C
    9. B

  140. backof says:

    1) Late for dinner.
    2) E
    3) B
    4) E
    5) C
    6) C
    7) B
    8) A
    9) D

  141. David S says:


  142. Ron Scholtz says:

    7) C
    8) C
    9) C

  143. Darren Ashmore says:

    1) George.
    2) D)
    3) B)
    4) E)
    5) D)
    6) B)
    7) C)
    8) C)
    9) D)

  144. Kenny Lau says:

    1) Crazy-o

    2) D – 1:350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) B – 349m

    4) C – 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)

    5) D – 1:1000 USS Grissom / KBoP scale 2-pack

    6) C – 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack

    7) B – 1:350 K’t’inga

    8) A – 1:48 Hawk

    9) A – 22″ Eagle Transporter w/LAB POD

  145. Darren Wander says:

    1) Spaz Splatter
    2) D) 1/350 Klingon K’tinga
    3) A) 214m
    4) D) 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought
    5) B) 1:1000 USS Defiant
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  146. BatToys says:

    1)Dorky McLorky
    2)C The 1/25 Black Beauty. Please add resin figures.


  147. 32buds says:

    Ultraprobe please.
    1:Bellyburp the unwashed.

    PS, please make us an Ultraprobe!

    Best regards,


  148. Uncle Bill says:

    1. Drug crazed nightmare Barby.
    2. C
    3. A
    4. E
    5. D
    6. C
    7. B
    8. B
    9. A

  149. Al W says:


  150. AndrewC says:

    1.) Bugstompin’ Billy
    2.) D
    3.) B
    4.) E
    5.) D
    6.) B
    7.) B
    8.) A
    9.) D

  151. Ron Meyer says:

    1) Why do this kind of kit?
    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)
    B) Sealab III
    C) 1/25 scale Green Hornet Black Beauty
    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)
    A) 214m
    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    C) 1:350 Klingon D7
    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  152. Robert Cass says:

    1-Splatt Catt

  153. Michael maxwell says:

    1. Brundle

    2.D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3.A) 214m

    4.A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5.D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

    6.A) 1:2500 USS Akira

    7.B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8.A) 1:48 Hawk

    9.D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures –

  154. George Starkey says:

    1) Bugs Buster
    2) A) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign, unless it was for a 1/8 scale BTTF DeLorean
    3) B) 349m
    4) C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)
    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6) I freaking hate the Akira-class, so B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7) C) 1:350 Klingon D7
    8) DEFINITELY A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  155. Caerbannog says:

    4) D
    8) B – Ultra Probe!!!!
    9) A but with back booster pack

    I would also love to see the Space 1999 Glider from Immunity Syndrome for the 22″ Eagle 🙂

  156. TJ says:

    1. SILVIA
    2. D
    3. B
    4. A
    5. D
    6. C
    7. B
    8. A
    9. A

  157. Nicholas says:

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) D) 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought
    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga

  158. Denis McDougall says:

    1-Slap Happy

  159. John says:

    1. Raid
    2. D
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. A

    And thanks for the 22″ Eagle. Another “Grail” kit to cross of my bucket list!

  160. Ron W says:

    1) Ralph

    2) D

    3) B

    4) A

    5) B

    6) C

    7) A

    8) C

    9) A & D

  161. Craig says:

    1) GlueSniffer
    2) D
    3) B
    4) C
    5) A
    6) C
    7) C
    8) B
    9) C

  162. Alan D says:

    1. Eddie Hyde Jnr
    2. D
    3. B
    4. C
    5. B
    6. C
    7. B
    8. A
    9. C

  163. Doug says:

    1) Grillock
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8) B) Ultra Probe
    9) A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  164. ACE says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?
    Wacky Bug Whacker!

    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits?
    D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) What length is the K’t’inga
    A) 214m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas
    A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation (TNG class?)

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    B) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ CARGO POD

  165. Daniel says:

    1)Purple Pest Masher
    2)Not familiar with Kickstarter
    4)1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought
    5)1:1000 Klingon K’tinga
    6)1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7)1:350 Ktinga
    8)1:48 Hawk
    9)22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  166. Derric says:

    1) No idea
    2) I would support a Kickstarter campaign, but not for any of the kits listed here
    3) Honestly, I couldn’t care less because I am not a rivet counter
    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation
    5) D) 1:1000 U.S.S. Grisson/KBoP 2-pack
    6) A) 1:2500 U.S.S. Akira
    7) I don’t like the big kits
    8) I’m not a Space:1999 fan
    9) See #8 above

  167. Lynn Crouch says:

    1) Swattcha

    2) D

    3) A

    4) C

    5) D

    6) B

    7) C

    8) A

    9) B

  168. Jan Semenoff says:

    1) No opinion
    2) No opinion
    3) No opinion
    4) A
    5) C
    6) C
    7) A
    8) C-A-B, in that order. I want to vote three times…
    9) D-B-A-C. I want to vote four times…

  169. Erik says:

    2- C
    8- A
    9- A

  170. James says:

    1- Pest Control!
    2- D
    3- B
    7- C! C! C!
    8- all of the above
    9- All of the above

  171. Stef says:

    5) C
    7) A
    8) A

  172. Rocketfin says:

    1. Wacker Jack

    2. C

    3. B

    4. E

    5. A

    6. A

    7. C

    8. A

    9. D

  173. John says:

    1) Gooberus Maximus
    2) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) 214m
    4) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation
    5) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga
    6) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) 1:350 Ktinga
    8) 1:48 Hawk
    9) 22″ Eagle expansion set #1 – Nuke Mine, Claw, Side Booster & Laser Turret

  174. Greg says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?
    Swatty McSwatterson

    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)
    E) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)
    I don’t know. I just want a better K’Tinga kit than the current AMT one!

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    D) 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    B) 1:350 Ktinga

    As for the rest, I’m not interested in Space: 1999.

  175. Jorge Carmo says:

    8. A
    9. A

  176. Wil says:

    1 = Gerald
    2 = D
    3 = A
    4 = C
    5 = B
    6 = C
    7 = A
    8 = A
    9 = B

  177. abeeber says:

    1. Terrible Twos
    2. C
    3. A
    4. E
    5. D
    6. A
    7. A
    8. A
    9. C

  178. Dale R says:

    1: Splatter McBee
    2: D, K’ t’ inga
    3: A, 214m
    4: B, 1:1000 FJ scout/destroyer
    5: C, 1:1000 Voyager
    6: C, 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, Constellation 3-Pack
    7: C, 1:350 Klingon D7

  179. ScottLC says:

    1. Eugene
    2. D
    3. A
    4. Not a fan of small kits
    5. ” ” ”
    6. ” ” ”
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D

  180. 1. Ugly Thing. Not interested. This is just cluttering material to me.
    2. E)I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign
    3. N/A
    4. N/A Not interested in any Star Trek
    5. N/A Not interested in any Star Trek
    6. N/A Not interested in any Star Trek
    7. N/A Not interested in any Star Trek
    8. A) 1:48 Hawk
    9. D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures –

  181. Stenaline2007 says:

    8: B Ultra Probe with Hawk a close second
    9: D Eagle Expansion Set #2

  182. Matt says:

    2) F, I would support a kickstarter, but not for those choices.

    3) B

    4) C

    5) D

    6) A

    8) A

    9) A

  183. Saturn says:

    1) Bug Smashin’ Bob

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) B) 349m

    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5) A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) B) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ CARGO POD

  184. Steve says:

    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits?
    E) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)
    B) 349m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant) — Prefer 1/1000 Scale

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    C) 1:1000 USS Voyager

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:2500 USS Akira — Prefer 1/1000 Scale (I’ve been wanting this since the original 2008 announcement that fell through)

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

  185. James Richards says:

    3. 349 meters (just because I want the bigger model)
    4. Nebula Class
    6. Akira
    7. 1:350 Katinga

  186. Brandon says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?


    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)

    A) Not familiar with Kickstarter

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)

    A) 214m B) 349m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    1:350 Ktinga

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)

    A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)

    A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  187. Andy says:

    1) Flysquat Bob
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) A) 214m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) B) 1:350 Klingon D7
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures – See more at:

  188. Dave Lewis says:

    1 = Melvis the Pelvis
    2 = D
    3 = A
    4 = C
    5 = A
    6 = B
    7 = C
    8 = C
    9 = D

  189. Robert says:


  190. Damon says:

    Question answers:

    1. Ugly flyswatter dude… 🙂
    2. A
    3. A
    4. B
    5. D
    6. A
    7. A
    8. Abstain
    9. Abstain

  191. Admiral_Brad says:

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’tinga
    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation
    5) A) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP
    6) C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7) B) 1:350 K’tinga

  192. Phillip Houseknecht says:

    1. Junior
    2. D
    3. A
    4. B
    5. A
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. C

    -HK sends

  193. Dennis says:

    Choose one? you need your mouth washed out with soap!

    1. His name is Venus, as in Venus Fly Trap
    2. A and D
    3. B
    4. E
    5. C
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. C

  194. Dennis says:

    I keep seeing Ktinga, sounds good to me

  195. Martin says:

    1. Mr. Sunshine
    2. D
    3. B
    4. E
    5. A
    6. B
    7. B
    8. B
    9. D

  196. Robert Morgan says:

    1. The Purple Palooka.
    2. D, for the K’Tinga.
    3. A, according to the plans although 214m sounds ridiculously small.
    4. A, a 1/1000th Constellation if it’s the quad nacelled TNG Constellation and not Commodore Decker’s ship from the original series. If not, then I have no preference from the selections listed.
    5. A, a 1/1000th K’Tinga.
    6. None, as I don’t built in that scale
    7. B, the 1/350th K’Tinga.
    8. A, the 1/48th scale Hawk.
    9. B, the 22 inch Eagle Transporter W/ CARGO POD.

  197. Rob H says:

    1) Marty Smackfly (Although I couldn’t really care less)

    2) E) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign

    3) B) 349m

    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  198. Jet T says:

    1) Slappy

  199. Alan Kelly says:

    1. Flumpty McNasty
    2. D
    3.A 214 m of course
    7.B K’tinga (Oh God, make it finally happen !)
    8.A Hawk

  200. Cody S. says:

    1) Mr. Tickles
    2) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) 214m
    4) C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)
    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8) N/A
    9) N/A

  201. Hans says:

    Monday Morning

  202. Jacob Weisz says:

    1. N/A
    2. D
    3. B
    4. E
    5. C
    6. A (more than anything, I want this)
    7. A
    8. N/A
    9. N/A

  203. Morgan G says:

    2 B
    3 A
    4 E
    5 D
    6 B
    7 C
    8 C
    9 D

  204. Paul Simon says:

    2. Yes! D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3. B) 349m
    5. A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga
    7. B) 1:350 Ktinga

  205. James G says:

    1: would not ever grace my display shelf
    2: E
    3: A
    4: C
    5: C
    6: C
    7: A
    8: A
    9: D

    Now my thoughts.

    1: I have limited display space so any 1\2500 or 1\1000 scale are best for me
    2: Would like to see #6 C be a 4 pack with the NX-01 refit in it as well
    3: You should hae put the 3 choices in #6 in other questions as i think the modelers who like this scale would hav voted for each one
    4: 1\1400 and 1\350 are just weird sizes
    5: I am a trekkie so star trek models are a must buy
    6: You guys need to stop rehashing The D7
    7: The D7 and the K’t’inga are the same ship no need for ten different kits of the same ship
    8: More Tholian , Romulan, Klingon, Vulcan, Starfleet, Andorian, and Gorn, as well as any other races I missed
    9: I would like to see single 1\2500 ships for the set with separate registry decals like you did with the 1\350 scale TOS enterprise

    Use or ingore my thought because that what they are there for.

  206. Hans L says:

    1) Rufus
    2) E – I wouldn’t support one of those campaigns
    3) B – 349.5m
    4) E – Battle damaged refit
    5) C – USS Voyager
    6) C – NX-01 etc 3-pack
    7) A – 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8) A – 1:48 Hawk
    9) B – 22″ Eagle Transporter w/ cargo pod

  207. Tony says:

    1) Jimmy Splat

    2)- D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga – Not crazy about kickstarter, given how long a model can take to design and produce.

    3)- B) 349m it’s longer than the Enterprise 288m.

    4)- C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant) PLEASE!!!!

    5)- D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

    6)- A) 1:2500 USS Akira

    7)- B) 1:350 Ktinga PLEASE!!!!

    8)- C) Laser Tank #1

    9)- A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

    Still begging for a new Excelsior. Would love to a 1:537 or 1:350 NCC-2000 and Ent-B.

  208. Kurt says:

    1) Clyde
    2) C) 1/25 scale Green Hornet Black Beauty
    3) B) 349m
    4) C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)
    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6) A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  209. markR says:

    1 — Billy Bugg’d
    2 — D) 1/350 K’tinga
    3 — B) 349m
    4 — E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5 — C) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    6 — C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack
    7 — A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D
    8 — A) 1:48 Hawk
    9 — B) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ CARGO POD

  210. Jonathan Reich says:

    1. Splatter
    2. D
    3. B
    4. C
    5. D
    6. A
    7. D
    8. A
    9. D

  211. Stephen Cole says:

    1) Jeff

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga (As long as there was some incentive for those donating. For those donating a certain amount or higher is guaranteed a model. And actually, having models as perks would be good for a kickstarter.)

    3) A) 214m

    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager

    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

    8) A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  212. Chris Collins says:

    2. D
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. C
    7. A

  213. Ben says:

    1- ?
    2- D + B
    3- B
    4- B
    5- D
    6- C
    7- C
    8- A
    9- D

  214. Eric says:

    1) Splatterfly

  215. Pedro says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to have some input here! Thanks for keeping Trek kits alive, it’s a welcome miracle. 🙂

    2 – D) K’tinga for sure, I’ll take two without hesitation!
    3 – B) 349m
    4 – C) Nebula (larger would be way better, 1/1400?)
    5 – D) 1/1000 Grissom/KboP
    6 – A) 1/2500 Akira
    7 – Impossible to choose! B) 1:350 K’tinga but I’d kill for a larger E-D as well.

    How about some love for the U.S.S. Stargazer at some point?

  216. fortress says:

    1) Hank The Purple Meanie.
    2) C
    3) B
    4) E
    5) C
    6) B
    7) B
    8) B
    9) D

  217. Joseph Reboy says:

    2) A
    4) E
    5) B
    6) C
    7) B
    8) B
    9) D

    Thank you for asking. It is much appreciated.

  218. fortress says:

    first let me say that everything you’re doing with Space 1999 is long waited and overdue, finally we’re going to see a styrene museum quality Eagle transporter Model kit, as far as future subjects go I would have to say that Mark IX Hawk warship, Ultra probe, Super Swift, and perhaps a moon buggy diorama would be on my shortlist of Space 1999 modeling subjects as far as those that stand out.

    I am looking forward to future releases from Round 2.

  219. 1.Not a Scooby
    2. D
    3. A
    4 D
    5 D
    6 C
    7 B
    8 A
    9 D

  220. Bill Greene says:

    1 Fuzzicus Buggblatter
    2 D
    3 A
    4 E
    7 A
    8 B
    9 D (I picked D because it had the most in it that I want. That being said, I would love to be able to buy the pods separately, and some of the stuff in choice C [particularly the mine]0

  221. Ed Bailey says:

    1. Wacky Willy
    2. D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3. A) 214m
    4. A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation
    5. B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7. B) 1:350 K’t’inga
    8. A) 1:48 Hawk
    9. B) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ CARGO POD

  222. James Austin says:

    No opinion on any of those questions, as i don’t build those kind of models.
    I would suggest developing a tudor coupe body and interior to partially redo the 41 ford woody kit.. i would also suggest offering it with both stock and custom parts in the same kit..

  223. QuietWyatt says:

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one) A) 214m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)
    B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    C) Laser Tank #1

    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)
    A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  224. Tour Khamhiran says:

    2) 1/350 Ktinga
    3) 214m
    4) 1:1000 Constellation
    5) 1:1000 Voyager
    6) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7) 1:1000 Enterprise D

  225. Sidney Arthur says:

    1) Nigel
    2) D
    3) A
    4) A
    5) B
    6) A
    7) B
    8) A
    9) D

  226. Dave Nelson says:

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) A) 214m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7) C) 1:350 Klingon D7 Yes please!
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk

  227. Alex McElhinney says:

    1. Winston
    2. D
    3. B
    4. A
    5. D
    6. A
    7. A
    8. A
    9. A

  228. Paul Davies says:

    I really would like 8.B
    & 9.set # 1
    Thank you for making the big eagle kit.
    I would like to add that I look forward with anticipation
    To all future space 1999 releases. Paul Davies.

  229. Janet G says:

    1: BELLE
    2: E
    3: A
    4: C
    5: B
    6: B
    7: A
    8: C
    9: C

  230. Jonathan Reich says:

    I would love to see a 1/350 D-7 to go with the original “E”.

  231. HobbyView says:

    1. George
    2. D
    3. Whatever makes it 1/350 scale
    4. E
    5. D
    6. B
    7. B
    8. B
    9. D

  232. Alan says:

    1)Purple Nurple

    2) A) I wouldn’t support a Kickstarter campaign

    3) A) 214m

    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5) C) 1:1000 USS Voyager

    6) C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack

    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

    8) A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  233. David Krueger says:

    1) See the goofy looking figure holding a flyswatter? What should we name him?


    2) Would you support a Round 2 Models Kickstarter campaign for any of the following kits? (select all you would be interested in)

    D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga

    3) What length is the K’t’inga (choose one)

    A) 214m

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    A) 1:2500 USS Akira

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one)

    B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)

    B) Ultra Probe

    9) Choose one of the below Space:1999 kit ideas (choose one)

    C) 22″ Eagle expansion set #1 – Nuke Mine, Claw, Side Booster & Laser Turret

  234. Don Gaffney says:

    1) Dont care
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) B) 349m
    4) D) 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought
    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8) A) 1:48 A) Hawk
    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures – See more at:

  235. Mark Schumann says:

    1) Sydney

    2) D) 1:350 Ktinga

    3) B) 349m

    4) A) 1:1000 U.S.S. Constellation

    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack

    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga

    8) A) 1:48 Hawk

    9) A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  236. Jordan says:

    So, will the results be posted when the poll is closed?

    • JamieH says:

      Possibly at some point. Give us some time to tabulate though.
      Look for new posts coming every week in August about the new Eagle kit.

  237. David M says:

    D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    B) 349m
    C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)
    C) 1:1000 USS Voyager
    A) 1:2500 USS Akira
    B) 1:350 Ktinga
    A) 1:48 Hawk
    A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  238. Charles Babbage says:

    1) Marvin Masher or Myron Masher

    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    C) 1/25 scale Green Hornet Black Beauty

    3) A) 214m

    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock

    5) A) 1:1000 Klingon K’tinga

    6) B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack

    7) A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D

    8) C) Laser Tank #1

    9) D) 22″ Eagle expansion set #2 – Gantry, Entry Stairs, Buggy, Nuke Pods & Figures

  239. Adam Heinbuch says:

    1) Swatter Critter
    2) D
    3) B
    4) A
    5) B
    6) C
    7) A
    8) B
    9) A

  240. Tommy says:

    Jamie – You don’t have to post this.

    I would like any Voyager kit 1/350, 1/1000, 1/2500

    How about a 1/72 Delta Flyer?????

    Thanks! Have a great day !

  241. JamieH says:

    This poll is now closed. (8/4/2015)

  242. backof says:

    1) Weed Whacker
    2) D
    3) B
    4) E
    5) C
    6) C
    7) C
    8) A
    9) C

  243. 1) Zombie-kid
    2) D) 1/350 scale Klingon K’t’inga
    3) A) 214m
    4) E) 1:1000 Battle Damaged Refit scale w/ dry dock
    5) D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6) D)All of the above
    7) B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8) A) 1:48 Hawk
    9) A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  244. David Lange says:

    1.) Mr. Bug B. Gone

    2 thru 9.) What ever the masses conclude.

  245. Chynthia Herrmann says:

    A lot more in 1:1400 and 1/2500.

  246. Marcus says:

    1. Purple Rage
    2. D. 1/350 K’Tinga. Please!
    3. 349 meters (clearly)
    4. C. Nebula (But I really want a Enterprise D Dreadnought as well!)
    5. A. 1/1000 K’Tinga (and Klingon Bird of Prey)
    6. A. 1/2500 Akira (1/1000 would be better)
    7. B. 1/350 K’Tinga Seriously please make this.
    8. A. Hawk
    9. C. Eagle expansion #1

  247. Jim Lowe says:

    2: D- 350th scale Klingon K’tinga in styrene.
    5: A- 1000th scale Klingon K’tinga in styrene.
    7: B- 350th scale Klingon K’tinga in styrene.

    The only other stryene kit I would put money into would be a 350th USS Reliant, or a reissue of the 537th USS Reliant.

    For Space:1999 a more accurate 12″: otherwise, I’m in for the new accurate 48th Eagle. I’ll get one or two.

  248. Paresh Ladd says:

    Might be a little late to the party but…

    1_ Gobinator
    2_ D
    3_ B
    4_ C
    5_ B
    6_ A
    7_ A !!!!
    8_ A
    9_ A

    I would love to see that once proposed 1:1000 kit of the Akira on shelves and a 1:350 Defiant class… and please, pretty please make 1:1000 scale kit of the Enterprise D based on the 4″ studio model with the rounder 2ndary hull and multi level aztec panelling!

    And a big applaud to the whole crew for bringing out the kits you’ve already done 🙂

  249. 2) a
    3) b
    4) a
    5) d
    6) a
    7) a


  250. Shiftdel says:

    1 – Ugly Guy
    2 – D) 1:350 K’tinga
    3 – A) 214m.
    4 – C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant)
    5 – D) 1:1000 USS Grissom/ KBoP scale 2-pack
    6 – B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack
    7 – B) 1:350 Ktinga
    8 – A) 1:48 Hawk
    9 – A) 22″ Eagle Transporter W/ LAB POD

  251. Aidan O says:

    4) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas (choose one) C) 1:2500 Nebula-class (Enterprise 1701-D variant) D) 1:2500 Enterprise 1701-D Dreadnought

    5) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas

    C)1:1000 USS Voyager, and especially if it included options like the delta flyer in the hangar, landing gear, and optional Borg upgrades.

    6) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas

    Kinda split on this:

    B) 1:2500 Excelsior/Ent-B, Oberth, KBoP 3-pack, would be great if it came with a clear parts KBoP to simulate a cloaked bird, and also a small portion of Regula station as a base to pose them

    C) 1:2500 NX-01, Voyager, U.S.S. Constellation 3-pack. If this, including optional parts to make the NX-01 with the secondary hull, and optional geometry with the Voyager, without it looking like a toy gimmick.

    7) Choose your favorite from the below Star Trek kit ideas

    A) 1:1000 Enterprise 1701-D, with awesome detail for the saucer separation. Including some rare earth magnets and internal bracing for them would be a nice feature, and be able to do the separation without any unsightly plugs or holes for the neck area.

    • Aidan O says:

      Oh, and I messed up the first question. The 1/2500 Nebula is my choice, but would love to see both sensor pods available as a choice.

  252. Yan says:

    1) Purpaul
    4) C
    5) C
    6) A
    7) A

  253. Jon carter says:

    Voyager, oberth, bop, qo’nos one all in 1000. None are in production and have been waiting for some of these for years

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