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Round 2 Models: Wonderfest 2016

posted by JamieH 12:10 PM
Thursday, June 9, 2016

We had a great weekend displaying our product and meeting the modelers that attended Wonderfest 2016. As promised, we were able to show the first test shots of the smooth 1:350 TOS Enterprise saucer, and more than one person took advantage to rub them like a genie’s bottle wishing they would come sooner than the scheduled September release date. Many folks were also complimentary of the U.S.S. Excelsior buildup on display showing the new improvements we have made over the old AMT kit. It is great to be recognized for “bringing the kit back and giving it the Round 2 treatment” as described by one fan. A small display board advertised a notable new tool we have in the works targeting the end of the year. The product will be a Star Trek 50th anniversary commemorative boxed collection of our 1:2500 scale snap Enterprises, which will include a NEW NX-01 kit. To make the product appealing to the widest possible audience, we will include pressure sensitive decals (high quality, thin stickers) in this release. We received praise for bringing back the U.S.S. Enterprise-D in clear plastic. This version will come in ABS rather than styrene which tends to be brittle. The main reason for that switch is to allow us to include our standard dome base this time around. Aztec decals will not be included in the kit, but will be offered separately. Many remarked about the re-issue of the classic 5 Space Ships of the Future from Lindberg. The kit will use the highly collectible vintage box art for the release. of course people were still in awe of our 22″ Eagle kit. many remarked about how great they found the kit to be. Several folks stopped by with kit in hand to take a look at our display piece. From what I understand it seemed like the big Eagle was the “kit of the show” with many being offered and sold at the event.

Admittedly, this year’s show may have seemed “light” on news as far as new and upcoming releases goes. We DO have things in the works, but it is too early to discuss them with 100% certainty. In some cases, two plans for a license are being evaluated for 2017. Sure, expect more re-issues, but I can guaranty more NEW stuff IS in the works.

For those that weren’t able to attend, here is a look at this year’s display. Feel free to ask questions int he comments section and we’ll answer as best we can.


It was a special treat to meet Nick Tate in person at this year’s show. Nick played Alan Carter in the classic sci-fi show, Space:1999, in the mid-70’s. His storied career led to numerous roles on stage and on screen in shows like Star Trek: The Next Generation, Lost and The X-Files as well as voice over work. As you recall, we offered signature cards in our early releases of our 12″ MPC Eagle kits that featured Nick’s autograph. Nick was happy to share tales from his career with anyone willing to lend an ear. It was an incredible opportunity to get to know him. Thanks to friend of Round 2, Peter Greenwood, for arranging his appearance and thanks also to Steve Iverson of for sponsoring his appearance at the show.


As always, one of the highlights of the show is the modeling competition that offers all kinds of sci-fi and horror subjects from big to small (and sometimes small is more impressive than big in cases like this). We always sponsor two awards for the best use of a kit from our brands. We give awards in the junior/teen and adult categories. The junior/teen award-winner walks away with a prize pack of kits while we award a $100 credit to our own site. The level of quality in the competition is always impressive which makes our decision tough. here are is a selection of a few models that caught our eye followed by this year’s winners.

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These next two were co-runners-up for our adult award.

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This impressive kit bash was award to the junior/teen winner. Congratulations Alex tabor for your USS Castor Federation Depot Ship build!


…and this year’s adult award-winner is… Dave Olszewski for his Vulcan Shuttle tribute to Leonard Nimoy. David’s impeccable handling of our admittedly faulty decals that got mixed into that kit cemented his position as winner.


Please keep our awards in mind for next year and future shows. We want to see as many of our kits on the table as possible. The show organizers sent out the challenge at the end of the awards ceremony to blow away their previous record and attain 800 entries in next years competition. (if I can find a way, I may even make the time to build and enter something…)

We have posted higher res images of all of these buildups, our boot and every other model identified as one of our kits on our facebook page. Let’s continue the fun. Go to our facebook page and “Like” the model you think looks most impressive and we’ll tabulate the results on June 30th and send the winner an award. (this year’s contest winners will not be eligible for a second award)

Click here to go directly to the Wonderfest 2016 photo album.


42 Responses to “Round 2 Models: Wonderfest 2016”

  1. Always great to see you Jamie. Looking forward to more great kits from Round 2.

  2. Dennis says:

    Word is that you and one other manufacture were present. If true, any idea as to why they didn’t show?

    • JamieH says:

      As far as I know we were the only styrene kit manufacturer displaying at the show. I know another manufacturer had people at the show, but did not set up a display on the show floor. I can’t speak to why our competitors decide not to display at Wonderfest, but I can tell you the fact that we set up there for the rare opportunity to meet our consumers face to face, give them a close look at what we have coming and answer their questions. Nothing beats a face to face, hands-on opportunity. I wish we could do more.

  3. Dennis says:

    Any word on the survey. I was really interested in seeing the results.

  4. fieraci says:

    Jamie, do you do commission work?

  5. spock62 says:

    I’ve got a few of questions regarding some of the Star Trek kits.

    Cadet Series Enterprise Set
    Do the pressure sensitve decals include aztecing or just the registration numbers and Starfleet banners. Do they conform to raised/recessed details like water slide decals do?

    And, will the NX-01 be sold seperatly for those of us who have the rest of the Cadet Series Enterprise kits? I think a “Enterprise” TV show kit would be nice, one that includes Klingon Battlecruiser, Romulan BOP and Andorian ships, along with the NX-01, as seen in the show. Maybe even an option for a “refit” NX-01 like you guys did for the 1/1000 version.

    Tomorrow is Yesterday Kit
    Is there a stand included in the kit for the F-104 and 1/2500 TOS Enterprise, which allows for a “forced perspective” display?

    • JamieH says:

      The pressure sensitive decals do an amazing job of conforming to details. They are thin with just enough flexibility. Pretty much anything we had included on Cadet decal sheets are included. So yes, all aztecs are on the sheets. A few spots of paint might still be needed on Bussard collectors, etc. When I get proof of these new decals, I’ll show pics of them applied to the models.

      The NX-01 may not be available in a 3-pack for some time. I don’t expect it to be used in that way through 2017. Plans can change, but that’s how it stands right now.

      The F-104 does not have a stand for the plane, but it does include one for the Enterprise. Btw, all of the ships in the boxed set come with stands for every ship.

      • spock62 says:

        Glad to hear the new decals will include all the aztec paneling. Looking forward to seeing photos of them. I’d also like to see them applied to at least one kit, if that’s possible. It great that your including stands for all the Enterprises too.

  6. Tomh, Esq. says:

    Sounds like Wonderfest was a blast!

    Any updates on the Excelsior kit? Like when we might start seeing them on store shelves?

    Keep up the great work! I’m looking forward to your new releases!

  7. Rob says:

    How about a show on the East coast? Hint – NYC? I can’t take the time and shell out the cash to fly out to Wonderfest, but any chance you could be at another event closer to my neck of the woods?

    • JamieH says:

      There are some great events coming your way this year with the big Star Trek anniversary convention and JerseyFest. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to make appearances at either show.

  8. James G says:

    1. Is there Any Chance or getting a 1/1000th Scale C,D,and E Enterprise
    2. What did the two 50th anv. things say and what scale in the new nxo1 ship going to be in


    • JamieH says:

      I’d LOVE to do a 1/1000 1701-D and the other variations of that ship. I hope we can get that done some day. We need a kit of that ship that is in scale with all of our other 1:1000 kits, not to mention the opportunity to make it an air-tight accurate kit.
      I’ve added an image to the post showing the 50th anniversary boards.

      • spock62 says:

        Yes, please do 1/1000 versions of the C, D & E! Also, please consider doing 1/500 or 1/600 new-tool kits of the TOS and Refit Enterprises. Those of us with limited shelf space, but still wanting something bigger then the 1/1000 versions, would be very happy if you did!

      • David says:

        Jamie it is the 30th anniversary of TNG next year so a 1/1000 Ent-D would be well timed.
        Just sayin’.

  9. David says:

    Will there be another update on the Excelsior before it gets released?

  10. Jason P says:

    Fantastic news on the excelsior (got 2 preordered) 🙂

    However I guess those of us who missed out on the 1/1000 ent-B have no chance now? Not my favourite ship but the design has grown on me.


  11. Jo says:

    Great to see Tate (especially holding the R2 Eagle) and read the Eagle’s so popular but if I’m honest I was half expecting to see another big kit like a 1/350th K’Tinga at W.Fest especially as it’s the 50th anniversary this year.

    Any sign of one of these on the horizon Jamie? A big K’Tingas always coming top in various polls.

  12. James G says:

    Hey Jamie Is there any chance of you guys doing a 1/2500- 1/1000 borg cube or sphere

    thx J

    • JamieH says:

      I’ve wanted to do a Borg sphere for a long time, but it keeps getting knocked out of my plan. Yours is the first request I can remember receiving for it, so it has been hard to judge whether there is a demand for it.

  13. Rob says:

    Seriously – if you’re not going to do the Galileo, then you must do a K’Tinga! Before we all lose faith in R2…

  14. Tomh, Esq. says:

    Hey Jamie,

    The original 6-foot Enterprise-D had a light-blue base coat with light-green paneling detail.

    Since you’re going to be releasing the decals separately with your reissue of the clear 1/1400 Enteprise-D model kit, would you consider offering a set for sale that reflects the TV appearance of the D?

    While the kit decals you have come out with so far are great, they really represent the model as it was seen in the film Star Trek Generations.

  15. Michael says:

    Dear Jamie,

    is there an option to release 1/1400 scale Excelsior and Ent-B additionally to Ent D and E. And by the way also maybe all another classic Star Trek ships like Reliant oder Ent-A? Because the 2500 scale are too small and 1000 scale are to big :(.

    Greeting from Germany,

  16. James G says:

    how big will the nx be

    will you guys get it out before christmas

  17. Anonymous says:


    Back on June 17th, you mentioned that you would post pictures of the new Excelsior buildup the following week.

    I was wondering what happen to those pic’s, it’s been a month now. I’d love to see those, Im sure many other’s would like to see them as well??
    THANKS 😉

    When will the Enterprise -D Aztec decals be available?

  18. dave says:

    These are all well and good, but I’d like to know a lot more about the Dr Who TARDIS that’s in behind the witch.

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