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March 2025

Kat Chat: Skinny Slicks Are In!

posted by JohnG 11:09 AM
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Kats at AMT are stoked to report that the all-new “skinny, pie crust” slicks tooled for the reissue of the Barris Surf Woody have been very well received! Modeler feedback continues to be spectacular and so we included a variant, pad-printed with Firestone lettering, for the landmark reissue of the AMT 1929 Model ‘A’ Ford. Now, for our next trick, how ’bout a wide-whitewall version with simulated raised Firestone lettering! Check it out…

Skinny Firestone Slicks

If your eyes are like ours, you’re gonna’ need glasses or a magnifying glass to appreciate the fine detail in the reversed-out pad-printing on these tires. By “knocking out” the outline of the Firestone letters, a raised look is suggested that will give your next rat rod, old school custom or vintage drag racer build a top shelf super-detailed appearance!

But wait, what kit will these irresistible tires be included in? Well, we’re glad you asked! Look for them later in the 4th quarter this year, as an option for the upcoming AMT “GAS MAN” ’49 Ford Coupe!

Grab the glue, it’s all for you!

3 Responses to “Kat Chat: Skinny Slicks Are In!”

  1. Todd says:

    Very kool daddy-o!!

  2. Mike says:

    Will we see these in a Tires Parts Pack/

  3. Dave Darby says:

    I just picked up the new Mod Rod kit, and these new skinny slicks are the Kat’s meow! The new wide whites would be pretty awesome in a re-issue of one the Deuce Roadster and Coupe kits. Moon discs would make these sing!

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