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Model Kits: Drama on Altair 4 (in Glorious 1/72-Scale)

posted by BobP 8:00 AM
Friday, July 17, 2009

Hereโ€™s another sneak peek at our upcoming Forbidden Planet C-57D model kit re-release. We unveiled the Id Monster a few days ago โ€“ heightening the drama is the crew of the C-57D, laser rifles in hand; Commander Adams barking orders into his communications device and the lovely Altaira suitably distressed by the whole situation.

The figures, along with the ID Monster, really bring the kit alive by presenting a bit of the drama that is at the heart of the plot of Forbidden Planet, rightfully hailed as a masterpiece of mid-century sci-fi cinema. In addition, the small size of the in-scale figures really serves to highlight the massiveness of the C-57D. A true sense of scale is something we felt was somewhat lacking in the last release of the kit, in spite of the inclusion of Robby and the detailed interior. Adding the human element somehow really puts everything into context, and helps bring the story of Forbidden Planet back to the forefront.

As with the Id Creature, Jamie directed the creation of the sculpts, starting with a series of turnaround drawings for the sculptors to use as a guide, and then providing comments and further direction as the sculpts progressed. As with the Id, we received approval on the sculpts just last week, and gray resin castings were photographed, retouched and incorporated into the packaging graphics on the box bottom.

8 Responses to “Model Kits: Drama on Altair 4 (in Glorious 1/72-Scale)”

  1. mrdean56 says:

    Way more better than I expected!

    Now I have to buy one! My original will have the interior removed and a lighting core added to be in flight mode. The interior will be a seperate display. The new one will be a diorama – a Really Big Diorama!!

    Mark Dean

  2. JamieH says:

    One thing I tried to design into the poses of Altaira and Commander Adams is that if you whittle away the front of their bases and join them chest to chest, it makes for a cool combo. Its not exactly an embrace but it gives the sense that she is near him for safety. I think we got a good balance there that they work well together or apart.

  3. Jeff Bond says:

    All of this looks great, but is this all there is? You have to have a couple of blaster cannon stations at the very least–I’d heard Robby’s car was in the mix and you also have the tractor…you could even redo the pedestal stand to have it open and displaying the innards that get trucked out to wire up an FTL radio transmitter. Okay, that last one is going too far, but the blaster cannons at least?

  4. BobP says:

    Laser cannons and the tractor, among other extras, were initially planned. Costs for tooling those came in very high. At one point, it was suggested that we eliminate new tooling and leave the kit as-is. However, Jamie and I felt strongly that we did not want to do a straight re-release of the kit. With a finite budget (and other projects on the table as well), some choices had to be made. We didn’t like eliminating those cool extras, but in the end we were glad to be able to keep at least the Id Monster and the crew members.

    We have discussed the idea of offering a separate Forbidden Planet “accessory pack” sometime down the road, future budget and fan support willing. That’s definitely something that I think warrants further consideration.

  5. psytce says:

    This is a great looking kit. I wasn’t planning on getting one of these, but seeing how it looks I think I have to change my plans …..

    DAMN YOU ROUND 2 !!!! You keep coming out with great stuff that I have to buy ….. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Keep up the great work!! I was only looking at the Star Trek release, but with the work you have been doing with your other Sci-Fi kits I’m looking forward to all of the new releases now….

    Your going to make me go broke ….. ๐Ÿ™‚


  6. Talos says:

    Can I throw in a big YES PLEASE for an ‘accessory pack’.
    Oh and while I’m at it can we please have a distribution channel for these kits in Australia?

  7. moebiuspolar says:

    I just got the Original C57-D on Feepay (Ebay). I got this site from a new kit I bought (Mach V). I am completely floored! The new additions to the C57-D are FANTASTIC!! I can’t wait to get one! I think I’m losing my COOKIES! WhaHOOOO!!

  8. willie hightower says:

    look for to buy the figures for c-57d model kit can you help me to buy scale 1/72 kit

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