Round 2 Models: Something wicked-cool this way comes…
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
So you are thinking “Enough with the box! What is in it already?” To be honest, it is probably one of those things that can’t possibly live up to its hype anymore. I’ve poked around a little bit to see what the speculation might be, and if all goes as planned, we will reveal it tomorrow. But for now, more hints…
- Once assembled, it won’t fit back in this box.
- Someone in a message board or Facebook thread HAS guessed what it is.
- Its name does not start with an E or 24 other letters in the alphabet.
See you back here tomorrow…
My greatest fear is that this new mystery kit will be the latest “hot property” that no one can guess, because no one wants it (i.e. the Discovery from the new Star Trek series), and not what modelers have been desperately wanting for many years (the Galileo, 1:350 K’T’inga, Reliant, etc.).
Please, let this be a pleasant surprise. 🙂
Nobody wants Discovery eh?
As a cheapskate who refuses to subscribe to CBS All Access, I won’t know if I want Discovery until a DVD set shows up used at Half Price Books.
Could be a while.
All I know about it so far is Rainn Wilson plays Harry Mudd and someone dropped an F-bomb…
Size of the box is unclear. Please insert a banana in the photo for scale.
Banana? You may be thinking what I’m thinking.
It’s gotta be a 22″ Eagle Lab with spine booster pack !!! 😉
AHHHHH! We’re dying out here!!!!!!
Please be a 1/350 scale K’Tinga.
he`s quoting shakespear didn`t general chang in st the undiscovered country quote shakespear? my guess k`tinga but happy with whatever it is
Iron Giant would be cool, different, & unexpected. Lots of possibilities for a diorama!! However, I don’t think it would fit back in that box once assembled. Or would it?
So then what letter does it start with??????
I hope it’s a KTinga too. Once again it’s top in a recent poll by a big margin ..
I’m still going with The Iron Giant.
The new star trek reliant model kit.
Would this happen to be a 1/48 Hawk to go with the 1/48 Eagle. I was just thinking in the process of building the 1/72 it would be a good time to kit a 1/48 version and both would sell quite well. Second guess would be a waste dump in 1/72 which a lot of us have been wanting.
Can still be a Galileo
It is a 1:48 scale model of Jamies office cube…
First in the release of the 1/16 Aurora Funny car series
This ain’t that, but just you wait…