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Polar Lights Model Kits: 1:350 scale Klingon K’t’inga update

posted by JamieH 12:24 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2018

UPDATE [11/8/2018] Klignon K’t’inga kits (and light sets) landed at our warehouse on Monday 11/5. It usually takes 1-2 weeks for kits to make it to retail once we receive them. So look for kits in just a matter of days!

Hi All. We just wanted to mention a few quick things about our all-new 1:350 scale Klingon K’t’inga model kit, and we won’t bury the lead. THE KIT IS ON THE WATER! That means it is currently on its way across the ocean to our warehouse. It should arrive there before the end of the month and reach retailers the first week of November. So, get your Halloween costume finished. By the time you finish your trick-or-treat candy, the kit will be here.

It has come to our attention that we haven’t really given much detail on one of the aspects of the K’t’inga’s Lighting Set. That is the photo-etch sheet that we have included in it. Many have asked what is included in that and why it would be needed. Well, there are several factors at play here.

Some of the details on the studio model were too slight to properly replicate with injected styrene. We did the best we could with those parts in the kit, but the photoetch sheet allows us to offer parts closer to the original model. There were additional parts we wish we could have included, but they didn’t lend themselves to PE. In those cases, there is no better answer than to scratch build replacements. Modelers that are that particular will no doubt have the capacity to figure out how to do that.

Two copies of this piece get stacked to create a more authentic replacement for part #76.

In a few cases, we didn’t have exact copies of kitbashed parts to copy when we started developing the kit. In those cases we worked form photographs and got as close as we could. Once copies of the real parts were found for reference, it was too late to change the part and stick to our release schedule. So the PE parts represent the real parts more closely.

Another significant part of the sheet are window frames for the battle head. At 1:350 scale, (or 1/2 studio scale if you prefer) the windows on the cobra head and the bulb became very small. In fact, they are so small it is hard to inject them completely clean of flash. tool drafting also make them somewhat mis-formed in some places. We don’t mean to make it sound worse than they really are because the plastic parts aren’t terrible in this regard. They just aren’t as perfect as some will want. Now even the photoetch isn’t a perfect answer for the problem we wanted to address either because it WILL impact the accuracy of the model. The window frame strips are to be glued to the surface of the model which means they will protrude slightly unlike the studio model. So there isn’t a “perfect” answer, but we want to provide as many solutions as we can and let modelers decide which way they want to address it. Keep in mind that dealing with photoetch can be tricky for the uninitiated. It is intended to be used by experienced modelers.

lastly, we just want to mention that there is a an advance preview build going on that is hosted on the website.

You can find the threads for that here for the K’t’inga model kit.

and here for the Lighting Set.

They have also reviewed our recent release of the 1:1000 U.S.S. Grissom and Klingon Bird-of-Prey.


11 Responses to “Polar Lights Model Kits: 1:350 scale Klingon K’t’inga update”

  1. Ed Bailey says:

    Any chance the photoetch will be available separately from the lighting kit? I want those photoetch parts, but I always design my own lighting.

    • JamieH says:

      I doubt they will be offered separately.

      • NX17000 says:

        Just wanted to throw my .2$ in for separate PE as well if possible. Anything that I light’s gonna be self designed (Gives me exactly what I want, and saves on the price).

        I’d gladly buy the PE from R2, but if you guys aren’t making it available separately I’m basically gonna have to hope that a GKer makes it.

        • JamieH says:

          The photoetch sheet will not be sold separately from the light kit.

          • Commander-Dan says:

            So, much like the clear hangar and bridge parts for the TOS Enterprise that were ONLY available to modelers by purchasing the lighting kit, so is the same with the photoetch sheet and the K’t’inga lighting kit. Disappointing news, to say the least.

            I can only say I wish Round 2 would rethink this strategy…

  2. Andrew says:

    Amazing work!! I have both the main kit and the lighting kit pre-ordered. This will e an awesome kit!

  3. Scifiguy 67 says:

    Looking at the photo etch makes me want a Kronos one version badly.. I’m surprise that R2 didn’t release an upgrade kit similar to what they did for the 1/350 TOS Enterprise 1st & 2nd pilot conversion kit .. but I can wait this kit looks AMAZING👍

  4. Roger says:

    Seriously? The suits need to reconsider that PE availability option. I’m not wasting money on a light kit just to get the PE fret.

  5. edge10 says:

    Hi Jamie,

    It’s the first week in November, can you please give us an update on the status of the K’tinga kits?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Round 2 models has done it again! Its a amazingly detailed and beautifully designed kit that actually looks menacing. You couldn’t ask for more especially if you are a Star Trek fan that loves KLINGONS! A KRONOS ONE Conversion must happen,should happen, would go against all KLINGON HONOR if it did not.

  7. edge10 says:

    Will you be releasing updated instructions or errata online to correct the errors in the instructions soon?

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