Round 2 Models: Wonderfest Is Coming!
We will be attending Wonderfest showing off all of our brands of Round 2 Models. We hope to see everyone there. The show is always great fun. It gives us a chance to meet our fans and builders first hand to answer questions, take suggestions and just say “hi”. I’m proud to be part of the Iron Modeler competition this year as a judge. I thought about joining a team myself this year but I’m not as experienced as you guys are and with limited room, I decided to let the die-hard modelers get all of the “real” fun.
As usual we’ll have some nice giveaways, show off lots of our product and reveal some of our upcoming plans. I want to take a minute to invite you to follow us on Twitter. It may pay you some dividends at the show…
I’ll be making some teases here leading up to the show. More soon…