Star Trek model kits: A New K-7 Box Illustration
I had the opportunity, so I had to make the time to do a new box illustration for the K-7 Space Station Star trek model kit. It was a fun change. I had to decide whether to do an image showing the “real” station as seen in “Trouble With Tribbles” or more likely “Trials and Tribblations”. I decided it would be best to just paint it as the kit since that’s what’s in the box. The kit is way off model (pun intended) from how the station looked in the shows.
I had hoped to achieve an old school look with this one. Since it is going on a retro style box I was hoping to emulate the look of the boxes of the other vintage Star Trek model kits. I overworked it so it got too tight for me to call it a success from that standpoint. (I need to loosen up) This is the raw scan so it will probably look quite a bit different once I tweak the colors and do a little retouching.
I’d estimate about 30 hours in it. b/g including ships was all done with acrylics. The station itself was rendered in 15 year old bullet point Design markers. (I chickened out of painting the whole thing or airbrushing it after the last illo.) I went back in with colored pencil here and there and a few touches of gouache.
Cool! looks nice.
Does this mean we will get a small D-7 with the kit?
That is decidedly cool, and will be my background now. Thanks for sharing, Jaime.
No denying it’s excellent skill on view here. Is this just for the tin box? As you folks established the precedent of using the original art for spock and 1701, I was especially looking forward to K-7’s original art. Either way, I’m getting the kit, don’t get me wrong there! A large part of the purchase, if not the only reason for me, is the sentimentality factor as it has little to no accuracy going for it.
Pending licensor approval, we will be using this for both issues of the kit. The regular kit will use the same style as the original box. It will be very reminiscent of the original release box. The tin will be a bigger vertical format to match the Enterprise and Spock tin editions.
Jamie could you clarify a bit for us collectors?
The artwork is a phenomenal depiction of the kit, kudos. My concern was I was anticipating the collectors tin box having the original K-7 mockup artwork, I’m collecting the tins as the poster above said for their sentimental value and not building them. Will there be a tin that has the original artwork as well as this new depiction?
At this point we aren’t putting the old image on the tin. We felt it was out of place since it was a photo and not an illustration.
You guys wouldn’t consider a front page poll question, something like; “When reissuing classic kits in limited edition tins, would you prefer the original artwork or new?” yes, no, don’t care.
Being the only photo of the AMT bunch, apart from the reissues of 1701, makes K-7 unique. I do like this new painting alot, but seeing the old box again on your site the last couple months really made a difference. The original art will look fantastic on that glossy tin surface.
Whether it stylistically fits or not, round two has gone out of its way to do original art across the board for all these ancient kits, whtehr batman, Munsters or old AMT trucks. Original art has been a specific marketing/sales point for the other two trek tins, I’m hoping you folks reconsider and let k7 be the odd ball of the bunch.
Humbly submitted.
I have to agree that the limited edition tins should have the original artwork. You can put the new art on the cardboard boxed versions but the collectible tins should have the original look.
This is just my 2 cents.
You guys have been doing everything right and honoring the legacy of Trek models. I truly hope you guys reconsider for us old timers that remember the vintage kits.
I’ve also actually been waiting and hoping for a tin kit of the Enterprise with the original built up model hovering over the planet. I havent seen that image in ages.
Maybe a limited collectors release tin for the two original box covers with built up models, for collectors?
Not to pat myself on the back but the new illo laid out on the box and the tin really looks handsome. Besides, with the layout of the tin, other than the first edition of the Enterprise, the boxes are not true to the vintage kits anyway. The artwork gets adapted to work within the layout of the Enterprise.
New illustration now… maybe old photo later on…
I’d be happy either way, but I do love the new illustration. Looks gorgeous against the blue too. I understand the people who want the old photo and I agree with their POV but the new painting is so much more beautiful to look at.
I like the idea you did with the first Tin edition of the Enterprise that had a poster of the box art. I think this painting would make a nice poster too (Hint-Hint!)
As a fellow artist, it’s a fantastic illustration Jamie, and really captures the spirit you were intending. I wasn’t attempting to convey no love for the new cover, I just hope you guys find the time to release the original image as well.
Trust me when I tell you , I will be buying multiple versions anyway so, you guys only stand to make more money from me releasing new and old heh. You know marketing 101, give the people what they want. 😉
Your illustration is gorgeous. It fits right in with the Enterprise, Spock, and remaining vintage kits. Speaking of which, where is that lovely Romulan Bird of Prey, Galileo shuttlecraft, Klingon Battlecruiser, Bridge, and exploration set anyway?? heh heh. You guys do realize, once all of these are released, the collectors tins all together, are going to look fricking AWESOME.
May I make one small observation? Thinking overall of the big picture, all vintage kits in collectors tins sitting side by side, would it be perhaps better to have the blue background replaced with a different color palette? Since the Enterprise already has blue, and now green, perhaps a violet or deep purple for the K-7?